"Ascension" TV Segment with Shumsky, Alan Colmes Show, Fox TV




















To Order Our Books, CDs, DVDs, Private Sessions, etc.,

Winner of 45 prestigious book awards,
including First Place Ben Franklin Award

Shumsky comments on
the Near-Death Experience on TV Show
"Weird or What" with William Shatner

Maharishi & the Beatles: "Beatles Weekly" with Susan

Living a Divinely Guided Life
on "Expanding Consciousness" with Anjula Ram

Maharishi, The Beatles, and Susan

Mantra and Transcendental Meditation with Maharishi

Maharishi & Me: Secrets of the
Master/Disciple Relationship

"Keeping It Real" with Alexander Garrett



"Susan is more divine than Bette Midler and my world famous cheesecake!" —Joey Reynolds, WOR, New York

"Susan, thank you for coming on the show. Alan Colmes enjoyed it tremendously." —Fox News Producer

"What I like about you, Susan, is that you work through Spirit." —George Noory, Coast to Coast AM

"I wanted to thank you so very much for being a guest on the WGN radio show the other night!! You were fantastic. The phone lines and texts kept coming in after we said goodbye!!! Wow!"
—Jane Monzures, WGN

"You're such a great guest. This is such a fascinating topic, and we've never done anything like this before." —Laurie Kirby, WBZ, Boston

"It was an absolute joy! Thanks for chatting with me." —Jeff Angelo, WHO, Des Moines

"Thanks so much for your time. John and I really enjoyed the interview!" —John Hines and Dan Cook, WCCO, Minneapolis

"There are so, so many more great stories in the book that we just haven't got time to cover. It's been absolutely fascinating, Susan, to talk to you. Thank you so much. It was truly a delightful interview
and lots of fun."
—David White, BBC Radio, Liverpool UK

"Wasn't that a fascinating chat with Susan in America? You were an absolute star! You were stunning!" —Sally Naden, BBC Radio Lancashire UK

"We were just saying how much we enjoyed playing your piece
out on the radio — it was so great! I could have chatted to you for
hours!" Hope we get to speak again in the future."

—Donna Alos, BBC Radio Hereford & Worcester

"Speaking with you has been very enlightening." —Sally Fairfax,
BBC Radion Humberside

"It was a pleasure to speak with you. I am sure we could have
spoken for a lot longer!"
—Cameron Ward, BBC Radio Jersey

"I read over 100 books a year, and at the end of the year, in my Christmas letter, I recommend 3 books. Though it's only February, yours is going to be one of the three books. I found it so interesting. You're a very descriptive writer. I highly recommend this book. You can find it really fascinating." —Don Briscoe, KSDN, Aberdeen, SD

"A very entertaining guest. This is one of the more entertaining and interesting books. I mean page after page she surprised me with things she said. Thank you for a wonderful interview."
—Don Briscoe, KSDN, Aberdeen, SD

"Thank you so much for joining us. It's been a fascinating, great conversation. Had a great time. We really appreciate you being on. We'll have you back." —JV Johnson, Beyond Reality

"We talked for 20 minutes, and it seemed like 2 minutes. I wish
we could go on for 2 hours. It was so great to talk about George
Harrison on his 75th birthday, and to do it with you. I hope to
talk with you again."
—Steve Trevelise, WKXW, New Jersey

"I can't tell you how much I'm really enjoying hearing that. You must come back on the show. And I think on a regular basis, because there's so many conversations we've begun during this first meeting that I would love to continue with you. This has really been terrific...
I love you. You are awesome. Susan, I cannot wait to have you back. You are a terrific guest.
—Ed Tyll

"What you've done today, and I thank you for this, you've taken us back and shown us something that was there to be learned, and we're interested very much... I think this is an appetite of humanity that you've tapped into. So thank you for giving us some of the rewards of your thinking and your writing and your meditation. It's a real joy to have you on the show. Thanks for today. We're going to talk again soon. We had so much fun too." —Ed Tyll

"I do love your work. You are a very very interesting person. You really are. I'm very fascinated. If people are watching this now, go out there and check her out. There's something in what she's saying that resonates a lot with me now. It's very interesting." —Kevin Moore, The Moore Show, UK

"Susan Shumsky-informative, compelling and entertaining! What more could you want from a talk show guest?" —Paul Gonzales, Syndicated Radio Host

"You've been an incredible guest." —NickLawrence, WEEU, Berks
Co., PA.

"Thank you for being such a great guest. I am only as good as my guests, and you were a great one! I look forward to having you as
my radio guest again soon!" —Hartley Pleshaw, WCAP, Lowell, MA.

"We so enjoyed our interview with you. What a great conversation
for our listeners."
—Mantz and Mitchell, KKNW, Sarasota

"Thank you again for a most informative interview regarding Color Your Chakras. I always enjoy speaking with you and learning so much new information about our potential." —Barb Adams, Radio Amerika Now

"It's been a fascinating interview!" —Wayne Kent, WSOY, Decatur, IL

"I would love to talk to you another hour, but my show is only an hour. A fascinating read for certain. Susan, this has been a really interesting conversation to have with you. I will look for future opportunities so we can continue some dialogue here. Thanks for being with us today." —Mark Cope, KXYL, Brownwood, TX

"Thanks for the terrific interview. Really really a good guest with a wealth of great stories. In fact, there was SO much good stuff, I inclued way MORE than my ususal 4 minutes. Just too MANY good stories NOT to share!. It's been wonderful talking to you. You're a blast!" —JC Haze, Beatles Weekly

"It's been a delight. Thanks for the clarity of your thoughts in a very valuable interview." —Hank Baughman, WCNS, Pittsburgh, PA

"You knocked it out of the park! You are a delight!" —Lisa Cypers Kamen, Harvesting Happiness

"We both loved you and definitely want you on again." —Grace Collins, In Your Face with Donnie and Grace

"You're very very delightful to interview." —Marcus Hart, WXRW, Milwaukee, WI

"My time with you was my favourite interview in quite a while. I absolutely loved interviewing you and want to thank you again for
a terrific converstaion. My listeners will love your episode."

—Bruce Langford, Mindfulness Mode Podcast, Ontario Canada

"That was wonderful. I'd love to get a part 2. Real honor to talk with you. I'm thrilled to have you.You're the best."—Frank MacKay

Photos of Susan for Media Download
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SUSAN SHUMSKY has been interviewed
by these media outlets, plus 100s more:

Susan Shumsky's 13-Time Award-Winning Book
Maharishi & Me:

Amazon Page: CLICK HERE


Author Info

Sample Radio Shows about Maharishi & Me

Select Articles and Book Reviews: Maharishi & Me

Select Recent Articles, Interviews, Reviews

Select Articles, Interviews, Reviews: Before 2018

A Few Sample Radio Interviews

High Res Photos of Susan for Media Download
Click on the photo to download High-Res photo.




















To Order Our Books, CDs, DVDs, Private Sessions, etc.,




















To Order Our Books, CDs, DVDs, Private Sessions, etc.,




















To Order Our Books, CDs, DVDs, Private Sessions, etc.,




















To Order Our Books, CDs, DVDs, Private Sessions, etc.,




















To Order Our Books, CDs, DVDs, Private Sessions, etc.,




















To Order Our Books, CDs, DVDs, Private Sessions, etc.,


Susan Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She is the author of 20 books in English, published by Simon & Schuster, Random House, Red Wheel/Weiser, and Skyhorse Publishing. She has won 45 prestigious book awards and has 36 books in foreign editions. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent several decades teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, How to Hear the Voice of God, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Exploring Auras, Exploring Chakras, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, The Big Book of Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations, The Inner Light, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.

Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance. For two decades, her mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, guru of the Beatles and of Deepak Chopra. She served on Maharishi's personal staff for six years.

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Shumsky has done over 700 speaking engagements and over 1300 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, nationally syndicated and network TV, Alan Colmes on FOX news, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is featured in the movies Three Magic Words, The Illumined Ones, Superpower: Ignite Your Divine Intelligence, The Beatles and India, and The Maharishi Archives.

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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Susan Shumsky has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She is a foremost spirituality expert, highly-acclaimed and greatly respected professional speaker, sought-after media guest, New Thought minister, and Doctor of Divinity.

Pioneer in the field of personal development, Shumsky is a foremost authority in spirituality, meditation, intuition, and prayer. She has written 20 books in English and 40 foreign editions that teach her own unique forms of meditation, prayer, and spiritual healing.

Her books have been published by Simon & Schuster, Random House, Red Wheel/Weiser, and Skyhorse Publishing. Several were #1 best sellers. She has won 45 prestigious book awards:

1. Divine Revelation, top-ten selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club, in continuous print with Simon & Schuster since 1996, also published in German, Spanish, Russian, and in India.
2. Exploring Meditation, published by New Page Books, also in India by two different publishers.
3. Exploring Chakras, published by New Page Books, also in India and Russian. COVR award winner.
4. Exploring Auras, published by New Page Books, also in Russian, Japanese, Dutch, and in India.
5. Miracle Prayer, published by Random House Celestial Arts, a One Spirit Book Club selection, COVR award winner, also in Russian.
6. How to Hear the Voice of God, published by New Page Books. ReaderViews Award winner, Avatar Award winner, also in French.
7. Ascension, published by New Page Books, also in French, Italian, Spanish, and Romanian. #1 best seller. COVR award winner.
8. Instant Healing, published by New Page Books, also in Bulgarian, French, Dutch, and Spanish. #1 best seller, International best seller.
9. The Power of Auras, published by New Page Books, also in French.
10. The Power of Chakras, published by New Page Books, also in French and Romanian.
11. Awaken Your Third Eye, published by New Page Books, also in India and in Spanish. Winner USA Best Book Award, Next Generation Indie Book Award, Nautilus book award, Readers' Favorite Award. New Page Books best seller.
12. Awaken Your Divine Intuition, published by New Page Books, also in Spanish. USA Best Book Award, Nautilus book award.
13. Color Your Chakras, published by New Page Books, also in Spanish. First Place Next Generation Indie Book Award, First Place International Book Award, Readers' Favorite Award, 3 Foreword Indies Awards.
14. Maharishi & Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles' Guru, published by Simon & Schuster: Skyhorse Publishing, also in India. #1 best seller. Ben Franklin First Place Book Award, Independent Publisher Book Award, 3 Next Generation Indie Awards, 2 National Indie Excellence First Place Awards, Winner National Indie Excellence Sponsorship Prize from News & Experts, 2 American Book Fest International Book Awards, Reader's Favorite Silver Award, Gold Winner COVR Award.
15. The Big Book of Chakras and Chakra Healing, published by Weiser Books, also in Spanish. First Place Independent Publisher Book Award, First Place Next Generation Indie Award, Ben Franklin Book Award, Eric Hoffer Book Award, Nautilus Book award, 3 National Indie Excellence Book Awards.
16. Third Eye Meditations, published by Weiser Books, also in Spanish. Reader's Favorite Bronze Award, Finalist Next Generation Indie book Award.
17. Earth Energy Meditations, published by Weiser Books. Bronze Independent Publisher Book Award.
18. Prosperity Meditations, published by Hampton Roads, also in Vietnam.
19. The Inner Light: How India Influenced the Beatles, published by Post Hill Press: Permuted Press Imprint. First Place Winner: Hstorical Non-Fiction. Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

Shumsky has practiced self-development disciplines for many decades. For two decades, she practiced deep meditation for many hours daily in the Himalayas, the Swiss Alps, and other secluded areas, under the personal guidance of enlightened master from India Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation and guru of the Beatles and guru of Deepak Chopra. She served on Maharishi's personal staff for six of those years in Spain, Mallorca, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland. She then studied New Thought and metaphysics for several decades and became a Doctor of Divinity.

Shumsky was not born with any supernormal faculties but developed her expertise through decades of patient daily study and practice. Having walked the path herself, she can effectively guide others along their path. She has taught yoga, meditation, prayer, and intuition to thousands of students worldwide as a true pioneer in the consciousness field. She is founder of Divine Revelation®, a unique, complete field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.

She has done over 700 speaking engagements and over 1300 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, nationally syndicated and network TV and radio, Alan Colmes on FOX news, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is featured in the films Three Magic Words, The Illumined Ones, Superpower: Ignite Your Divine Intelligence, The Beatles and India, Here There and Everywhere, and The Maharishi Archives.

Shumsky travels extensively, producing and facilitating workshops, conferences, ocean cruise seminars, and tours to India, Bali, Easter Island, Machu Picchu in Peru, pyramids of Egypt and the Yucatan, crop circles in England; spiritual retreats and conferences in Mount Shasta, the Tetons, Sedona, Sonoran Desert, and Santa Cruz mountains, and many other sacred destinations worldwide. She also offers teleseminars and private spiritual coaching, prayer therapy sessions, and Divine Revelation Breakthrough sessions.

All of Shumsky's years of research into consciousness and inner exploration have contributed to her books and teachings, which can significantly reduce many pitfalls in a seeker's quest for inner truth and greatly shorten the time required for the inner pathway to Spirit. She will be happy to speak at your learning center, church, or retail store. She would love to be interviewed on your talk show or by your publication.

To schedule Shumsky for an appearance or media interview: divinerev{at}
Divine Revelation, P.O. Box 7185, New York, NY 10116, 212-946-5132.

Scroll down for Shumsky's current itinerary.

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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Susan Shumsky's Appearances

(Schedule under construction for 2024 and 2025)

To be notified about free Prayer Circles, telesummits, and other online classes: Subscribe at and follow Dr. Susan Shumsky on Facebook.

To be notified when Shumsky comes to your area: Subscribe at

To be notified about retreats, conferences, seminars-at-sea, and tours to sacred destinations: Subscribe at

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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Curriculum Vitae


  • 1966: Graduated first in her class from High School with straight-A average.
  • 1966 to 1970: California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, California.
  • 1970 to 1976: Maharishi European Research University, Rishikesh, India, and Seelisberg, Switzerland.
  • 1971 to 1976: Personal staff of renowned spiritual master from India, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Yogi (mentor of the Beatles and Deepak Chopra), Europe.
  • 1976 to 1979: Field work and further courses in Transcendental Meditation.
  • 1980 to 1989: Maharishi College of Natural Law in Washington, D.C. and Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa.
  • 1991 to 1993: Studied with Tantric masters from India: Babaji Raman Kumar Bachchan and Amritananda Mayi.
  • 1985 to 1996: Teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics, based in San Diego, California. Field work. Bachelor of Ministerial Science, Master of Ministerial Science, and Doctor of Divinity.


  • 1967 to 1989: Two decades in non-profit organization Transcendental Meditation as 1. a meditation teacher, 2. the regional coordinator for four States in the Rocky Mountain region, 3. "Governor of the Age of Enlightenment."
  • 1970 to 1976: Non-profit organization Transcendental Meditation in Europe and India as 1. a meditation teacher, 2. in the publishing department as an illustrator and writer, 3. in the financial department as an accountant, 4. in the housing department as a hotel manager.
  • 1976 to 1996: Successful free-lance diamond jewelry designer and illustrator.
  • 1985 to 1996: Author and teacher of a multitude of seminars and classes under the auspices of non-profit Teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics organization, including: Divine Revelation Breakthrough Intensive, Deepening Your Inner Contact, Manifesting Your Desires, Ecstatic Expressions of God, Prayer Therapy, Ascension Power Intensive, Oracle Sessions, and women's sexuality seminars entitled What Every Woman Should Know and Sex, God, and Ecstasy.
  • 1989 to present: Author of many audio and video tapes as well as published works, including Divine Revelation, now in its 17th year of continuous print with Simon & Schuster, a top-ten selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club, One Spirit Division, also translated into German, Spanish, and Russian, and published in India.
  • 1990 to present: President of Divine Revelation®.
  • 1996 to present: Conducted over 700 workshops, lectures, and seminars, including: Divine Revelation, Exploring Chakras, Exploring Meditation, Subtle Body Yoga, Nectar of Immortal Life-Spiritual Journey to India, Overcoming Karmic Law through Grace, Spiritual Healing and Self-Protection, Becoming Spiritual Street-Smart, Intuitive Kinesiology, Expect Miracles through Scientific Prayer, Divine Revelation Breakthrough Intensive, Divine Revelation Oracle, Divine Revelation Teacher Training, Prayer Therapy Training, Ministerial Training, and many others.
  • 1996 to present: Participated in over 1300 media appearances.
  • 2000 to present: Webmaster and web designer for,, and hundreds of other domains, with online product ordering and online registration for workshops and events.
  • 2001 to present: Conducts tours to India, Peru, and other sacred places, spiritual conference cruises, meditation retreats, and seminars-at-sea through Divine Travels, her tour company.
  • 2004 to present: Member of Board of Directors of Teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics, Inc.
  • 2006 to present: Conducts Divine Revelation Teacher Training Classes.
  • 2007 to present: Conducts weekly Scientific Prayer Circles every Saturday.


  • 1971 to 1976: Publishing department of non-profit Transcendental Meditation organization. Illustrator children's books and books for secondary education. Writer and designer promotional books and pamphlets for the organization.
  • 1989: "Divine Revelation Guided Meditation Tape" and six Self-Affirmative Healing audio tapes published.
  • 1996: Divine Revelation published by Simon & Schuster, Fireside/Touchstone in continuous print until the present.
  • 1996: Divine Revelation published by One Spirit Book of the Month Club.
  • 1996 to present: Many articles published in magazines and newspapers.
  • 1999: Foreign edition: Divine Revelation published in Germany in German translation by Ansata.
  • 1999: Foreign edition: Divine Revelation published in Mexico in Spanish translation by Editoral Patria.
  • 1999: "Divine Revelation Breakthrough Intensive" audio 12-tape program.
  • 2000: "Becoming Spiritually Street-Smart" video taped seminar.
  • 2000: Foreign edition: Divine Revelation published in India in English by Magma Press.
  • 2002: Exploring Meditation published by New Page Books, New Page division.
  • 2003: Exploring Chakras published by New Page Books, New Page division.
  • 2003: Chakras Coloring Book published.
  • 2003: Foreign edition: Divine Revelation published in Russia in Russian translation by ETP Publishers.
  • 2003: Foreign edition: Exploring Meditation published in India in English by Penguin Books, India.
  • 2004: "Divine Revelation Breakthrough Intensive" video 2-tape program published.
  • 2004: "Chakra Yoga Nidras" CD published.
  • 2004: "Divine Revelation Guided Meditation" CD published.
  • 2005: "Divine Revelation" Sunday Messages and Meditations CD published.
  • 2005: "Spiritually Street-Smart" DVD published.
  • 2005: Exploring Auras published by New Page Books, New Page division.
  • 2006: Foreign edition: Exploring Chakras published in India in English by New Age Books.
  • 2006: Foreign edition: Exploring Meditation published in India in English by New Age Books.
  • 2006: Miracle Prayer published by TenSpeed Celestial Arts, Penguin Random House.
  • 2006: Miracle Prayer published by One Spirit Book Club.
  • 2006: Foreign edition: Exploring Auras published in Japan in Japanese translation by Tokuma Shoten.
  • 2006: Foreign edition: Exploring Auras published in Belgium/Netherlands in Dutch translation by Zunidnederlandse Uitgeverij (Deltas).
  • 2007: "Divine Revelation Breakthrough Intensive" 2-DVD album published.
  • 2007: Foreign edition: Exploring Auras published in Russian translation by Budushcheye Zemli.
  • 2007: Foreign edition: Exploring Chakras published in Russian translation by Budushcheye Zemli.
  • 2008: Foreign edition: Exploring Auras published in India by Jaico Publishing House.
  • 2008: How to Hear the Voice of God published by New Page Books, New Page division.
  • 2010: "35 Spiritual Affirmative Healing Prayers" CD pubished.
  • 2010: Ascension published by New Page Books, New Page Division.
  • 2010: Foreign edition: Ascension published in Romania in Romanian translation by Adevar Divin.
  • 2011: Foreign edition: Ascension published in Italy in Italian translation by Macro Edizioni.
  • 2012: Foreign edition: Ascension published in France in French translation by Macro Editions.
  • 2013: Instant Healing published by New Page Books, New Page Division.
  • 2013: The Power of Auras published by New Page Books, New Page Division.
  • 2013: The Power of Chakras published by New Page Books, New Page Division.
  • 2013: Foreign edition: Miracle Prayer published in Russia in Russian translation by Ves Publishing.
  • 2014: Foreign edition: The Power of Auras published in Quebec in French by ADA Editions.
  • 2014: Foreign edition: The Power of Chakras published in Quebec in French by ADA Editions.
  • 2015: Foreign edition: The Power of Chakras published in Romania in Romanian by Lifestyle Publishing House.
  • 2015: Foreign edition: Instant Healing published in Bulgaria in Bulgarian by Kibea Publishing House through Anthea Agency.
  • 2015: Awaken Your Third Eye published by New Page Books, New Page Division.
  • 2015: Foreign edition: Awaken Your Third Eye published in India by Jaico Publishing House.
  • 2015: Foreign edition: Awaken Your Third Eye published in Italy in Italian by Armenia.
  • 2015: Foreign edition: How to Hear the Voice of God published in Quebec in French by ADA Editions.
  • 2016: Awaken Your Divine Intuition published by New Page Books, New Page Division.
  • 2016: Foreign edition: Awaken Your Third Eye published in Quebec in French by ADA Editions.
  • 2016: Color Your Chakras published by New Page Books, New Page Division.
  • 2016: Foreign edition: Awaken Your Third Eye published in Spain in Spanish Ediciones Obelisco through Julio Yanez Agencia Literaria.
  • 2016: Foreign edition: Instant Healing published in Quebec in French by ADA Editions.
  • 2017: Foreign edition: Color Your Chakras published in Spain in Spanish by Ediciones Obelisco through Julio Yanez Agencia Literaria.
  • 2018: Foreign edition: Ascension published in Spain in Spanish by Ediciones Obelisco through Julio Yanez Agencia Literaria.
  • 2018: Foreign edition: Awaken Your Divine Intuition published in Spain by Ediciones Obelisco through Julio Yanez Agencia Literaria.
  • 2018: Maharishi & Me published by Skyhorse Publishing.
  • 2018: Maharishi & Me audio book published by Brilliance Audio.
  • 2018: Foreign edition: Maharishi & Me published in India by Speaking Tiger Publishing.
  • 2018: Foreign edition: Awaken Your Third Eye published in French in France by Exergue.
  • 2018: Foreign edition: Instant Healing published in French in France by Trajectoire.
  • 2018: Foreign edition: The Power of Chakras published in French in France by Trajectoire.
  • 2019: Foreign edition: The Power of Auras published in French in France by Trajectoire.
  • 2019: Foreign edition: Instant Healing published in Spain in Spanish by Ediciones Obelisco.
  • 2019: The Big Book of Chakras and Chakra Healing published by Weiser Books.
  • 2020: Third Eye Meditations published by Weiser books.
  • 2020: Foreign edition: Instant Healing published in Netherlands in Dutch by Uitgeverij Ankh-Hermes.
  • 2021: Earth Energy Meditations published by Weiser books.
  • 2021: Foreign edition: The Big Book of Chakras and Chakra Healing published in Spanish by Ediciones Obelisco.
  • 2021: Awaken Your Divine Intuition audio book published by Tantor.
  • 2021: Awaken Your Third Eye audio book published by Tantor.
  • 2021: Instant Healing audio book published by Tantor.
  • 2021: Big Book of Chakras and Chakra Healing audio book published by Tantor.
  • 2021: Third Eye Meditations audio book published by Brilliance Audio.
  • 2021: Earth Energy Meditations audio book published by Brilliance Audio.
  • 2022: Prosperity Meditations published by Hampton Roads books.
  • 2022: The Inner Light: How India Influenced the Beatles published by Permuted Press.
  • 2022: The Inner Light: How India Influenced The Beatles audio book published by Tantor.
  • 2022: Foreign edition: Third Eye Meditations published in Spanish by Ediciones Obelisco.
  • 2023: Foreign edition: Prosperity Meditations published in Vietnam by 1980 Books Ltd in Vietnamese.
  • 2023: Foreign edition: Prosperity Meditations published in Spanish by Ediciones Obelisco.

    Book Awards:

  • Second Place COVR (Coalition of Visionary Retailers) award for Exploring Chakras (2003)
  • Winner First Place COVR (Coalition of Visionary Retailers) award for Miracle Prayer (2006)
  • Avatar Award for How to Hear the Voice of God (2008)
  • Winner First Place ReaderViews Award for How to Hear the Voice of God (2008)
  • Second Place COVR (Coalition of Visionary Retailers) award for Ascension (2010)
  • Bronze Readers' Favorite Book award in Religion/Philosophy for Awaken Your Third Eye (2016)
  • Silver Readers' Favorite Book award in Home/Crafts for Color Your Chakras (2016)
  • Winner First Place USA Best Book Awards in Eastern Religion (USA Book News) for Awaken Your Third Eye (2016)
  • Second Place USA Best Book Awards in Eastern Religion (USA Book News) for Awaken Your Divine Intuition (2016)
  • Second Place USA Best Book Awards in Spirituality (USA Book News) for Awaken Your Divine Intuition (2016)
  • Finalist Next Generation Indie Book Awards in New Age for Awaken Your Third Eye (2016)
  • Finalist Next Generation Indie Book Awards in Health/Wellness for Color Your Chakras (2016)
  • Winner First Place Next Generation Indie Book Awards in New Age for Color Your Chakras (2016)
  • Silver Nautilus Book Award in Religion/Spirituality of Eastern Thought for Awaken Your Third Eye (2016)
  • Silver Nautilus Book Award in Religion/Spirituality of Other Traditions for Awaken Your Divine Intuition (2016)
  • Winner First Place International Book Award in Religion/Eastern for Color Your Chakras (2016)
  • Finalist Foreword Indies Awards in Body, Mind & Spirit for Color Your Chakras (2016)
  • Finalist Foreword Indies Awards in Crafts & Hobbies for Color Your Chakras (2016)
  • Finalist Foreword Indies Awards in Coloring Books for Color Your Chakras (2016)
  • Winner First Place Ben Franklin Book Award in Autobiography & Memoir for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Silver Independent Publisher Book Award (IPPY) in Autobiography/Memoir (Celebrity/Political/Romance) for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Finalist Next Generation Indie Book Award in Autobiography/Biography for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Finalist Next Generation Indie Book Award in Historical Non-Fiction for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Finalist Next Generation Indie Book Award in New Age for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Winner First Place National Indie Excellence Award (NIEA) in Autobiography for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Winner First Place National Indie Excellence Award (NIEA) in Spirituality for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Finalist National Indie Excellence Award (NIEA) in Entertainment for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Winner National Indie Excellence Sponsorship Prize from News & Experts for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Winner First Place American Book Fest International Book Award in Spirituality: General for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Finalist American Book Fest International Book Award in Spirituality: Inspirational for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Silver Medal Readers' Favorite Book Award in Non-Fiction: Music/Entertainment for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Winner First Place Independent Publisher Book Award (IPPY) in Mind, Body, Spirit for The Big Book of Chakras (2019)
  • Silver Nautilus Book Award in Eastern Religion and Thought for The Big Book of Chakras (2019)
  • Silver Ben Franklin Book Award in Body, Mind, Spirit for The Big Book of Chakras (2019)
  • Winner First Place Next Generation Indie Book Award in New Age for The Big Book of Chakras (2019)
  • Winner First Place COVR Book Award in Autobiographical and Biographical for Maharishi & Me (2018)
  • Winner First Place National Indie Excellence Award (NIEA) in Body/Mind/Spirit for The Big Book of Chakras (2019)
  • Winner First Place National Indie Excellence Award (NIEA) in Self-Help Spiritual for The Big Book of Chakras (2019)
  • Finalist National Indie Excellence Award (NIEA) in New Age Non-Fiction for The Big Book of Chakras (2019)
  • Honorable Mention Eric Hoffer Book Award in Self-Help for The Big Book of Chakras (2019)
  • Bronze Independent Publisher Book Award (IPPY) in New Age/Mind Body Spirit for Earth Energy Meditations (2021)
  • Bronze Medal Readers' Favorite Book Award in Non-Fiction: New Age for Third Eye Meditatioins (2021)
  • Finalist Next Generation Indie Book Award in New Age for Third Eye Meditations (2022)
  • Winner First Place Next Generation Indie Book Awards in Historical Non-Fiction for The Inner Light (2023)
  • Winner First Place COVR Awards in Biographical for The Inner Light (2023)

    Memberships and Offices Held:

  • Transcendental Meditation Teacher, Transcendental Meditation.
  • Regional Coordinator Rocky Mountain Region, Transcendental Meditation.
  • International Staff, Transcendental Meditation.
  • Governor of the Age of Enlightenment, Transcendental Meditation.
  • Bachelor and Masters of Ministerial Science, Doctor of Divinity, Teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics.
  • Lifetime member, International New Thought Alliance.
  • Member, NAPRA, New Alternatives for Publishers, Retailers, and Artists.
  • Lifetime member, Ozark Research Institute.
  • Lifetime member, American Society of Dowsers.
  • President of Divine Revelation®.
  • Board of Directors, Teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics.

Endorsements from Students

"You are the ultimate teacher and a treasure, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.--C.H., executive secretary, CBS, New York City.

"I have learned more in 8 hours than I have spent a lifetime reading and searching for answers. This course is excellent and the teacher is profoundly experienced and knowledgeable about what she is teaching. I highly recommend this course to anyone."--K. B., sales and general manager, Avondale, AZ.

"An excellent speaker with commanding voice that makes us feel secure. Helps bring the concepts in the book into personal experience."--G.M., author, healer, Coon Rapids, MN.

"Excellent. A true example of what a true teacher is and also an example for all to follow."-B.C., retailer, Seattle.

"Very well delivered. Good control of diverse people and situations. Solid and authoritative and objective leadership. Very lovely and loving, yet as commanding as Michael of the hosts of God and necessarily so, engendering respect and admiration. Thank you!"--J.P., fundraiser, Scottsdale, AZ.

"I am so happy that I was introduced to Susan, who has the most wonderful gift to facilitate the opening of the mind to the actual experience of the deeper levels of the human being."--S.Z., mental health professional, Iowa City, IA.

"As anticipated, I feel it is one of the best and most spiritual courses I have taken. It was very inspiring."--M.K., retired, Seattle.

"Dear Susan, You are certainly a beautiful light for our world. Keep on shining!"--John R. P.

"Susan is most gifted. She is a direct, purposeful, simple, and powerful guide into Divine Revelation."--C.L., retired teacher, New York City.

"Susan Shumsky is a fine teacher. I enjoyed her class. She is direct, positive, loving, and centered in high spiritual vibration."--J.T., San Diego.

"Two spiritual thumbs up!!"--S.K., home pet care, Las Vegas.

"Susan is easy to listen to. I enjoyed her knowledge, sharing, and her flexibility in answering our questions as they arose. The immediacy of her feedback and her flow of interaction with the participants allowed for an authentic and spontaneous interaction and dialogue. She seems to welcome and invite a comfortableness."--N.T., teacher, Danbury, CT.

"Susan Shumsky is a beautifully articulate speaker and has added to the ways human beings on the planet 'can call home' and receive messages."--J.L., businessman, New Rochelle, NY.

"Shumsky is empathic, assured, dynamic, making spiritual enlightenment and self realization feel imminent."--F.P., retired, New York, NY.

"Susan was terrific. At times she shone with the divine Spirit. The course was very well organized and presented, refreshing, with lots of new material. Every minute was a delight. Susan is a wonderful leader. Her energy is remarkable, her mind clear and compassionate."--M.S., commodities trader, Austin, TX.

"Shumsky was learned, and a gift in conveying in a quietly dignified message her immense knowledge of Divine Revelation. Her book is something to treasure, and her work should be spread worldwide."--V.B., retired teacher and mother, Las Vegas.

"Susan is clear, patient and compassionate. I thought she was funny and entertaining as she imparted her wisdom."--A.B., massage therapist, England.

"Very knowledgeable speaker. Great class. Presentation was organized and easy to follow."--H.G., homemaker, San Diego, CA.

"Shumsky speaks clearly and to the point. Interesting and entertaining and explains things clearly and simply. Good use of anecdotes. She has a great sense of humor. She's not only humorous, but also very real, grounded, clear, and so practical. Group participation was good, content was excellent. Very relaxed and good speaker."--J.P., physician, Saint Petersburg, FL.

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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Endorsements by Sponsors of Workshops

Unity Churches:

"Thank you for coming to Unity North. What a delight when we sold out of your books, not only once, but also twice during your visit! As you can see by the survey results I am sending you, you were rated by ninety percent of the sixty plus participants the highest score possible. Working with a speaker as flexible as you are with travel, accommodations, and set-up is a delight. We wish you a safe and prosperous journey wherever you take your enlightened teachings."--Karen Hodges, Unity North Atlanta Church, Atlanta.

"I am most happy to recommend Susan Shumsky as a Sunday speaker and workshop leader. At the Sunday services, Susan was very well received as she captivated the congregation with her message, 'Divine Revelation.' After the service, Susan led 'Breakthrough to Spirit' workshop, where we had direct experiences of God! On the following Monday evening, Susan led 'Intuitive Kinesiology' workshop, where she led us step by step in using our intuition and using muscle testing tools. She made it clear, exciting, and fun. She is very organized. The room was set up well in advance with her materials and resources. Susan is authentic and real in her presentation. She is passionate about her work. I highly recommend bringing Susan Shumsky to your church."--Rev. Susan EngPoole, Unity of Louisville.

"I heard rave reviews from our congregation about Shumsky's entertaining, inspiring, motivational, and humorous Sunday service 'Divine Revelation' about how anyone can listen to the 'still small voice' and to have 'conversations with God.' Her afternoon workshop 'Overcoming Karmic Law through Grace' brought a new, revolutionary understanding about the role of karma and a deeper experience of how God works through the 'Law of Grace'--The law of 'Perfection Everywhere Now.' Her Powerpoint slide show was professionally presented, and she is an excellent speaker. I would recommend her to speak at any New Thought church or conference."--Rev. Thelma J. Hembroff, Unity of Cedar Rapids, IA.

"After Susan Shumsky spoke at our Sunday service at Unity of Fort Worth, Texas, her books DIVINE REVELATION virtually flew off the shelf. We sold 50 books in one hour, which, in my 12 years as a Unity Bookstore Manager, was an amazing record. I have never seen so many books disappear so fast."--Sherry Frantz, Unity Fort Worth.

"Dear Shumsky, It was an absolute pleasure in sharing the worship experience with you on Sunday at CCU. I was moved by both by your message during the worship service and workshop and would be happy to give you an endorsement." --Rev. Evrol Officer, Christ Church Unity, Brookline, MA.

"If you are considering a program with Susan Shumsky you are wise and fortunate. Our experience with Shumsky as guest speaker and as workshop presenter was wonderful. As her writings indicate, Susan can communicate very effectively on an intellectual level. In person, she is present, sensitive and funny! She was easy to work with around logistical issues. I had the opportunity to engage in an extended conversation over dinner and found her ideas to be solidly based both on personal experience and awareness of spiritual principles. I am thoroughly pleased with our experience of Shumsky."--Rev. Lawrence E. Palmer, Unity Church in the Rockies, Colorado Springs, CO.

"One of the most moving and spiritually expanding experiences I've ever been afforded to see, hear, and feel was the very expert and professional presentation Susan Shumsky made on Kumbh Mela here at the Unity Chapel of Light. The lady knows here stuff! I came away with a mind boggled by the spiritual practices of millions of worshippers on the other side of the world. Ask to see her art work, too. I couldn't recommend her Kumbh Mela worship enough."--Pastor Jim Schrotel, Unity Pyramid Chapel of Light, Santa Maria, CA.

"Susan Shumsky presented a wonderful workshop for us! She creates a wonderful blend of inspiring, yet practical teachings. Everyone who attended this presentation left feeling they had been given tools they could use and work with to enhance their intuition and discern the voice of Spirit. Susan's message is so important--we all need this teaching!"--Rev. Christy L. Hancock, Unity Center of Practical Christianity, Long Beach, MS.

"As Spiritual Leader of Unity in Edinboro, I would like to share with you our experience of Susan Shumsky's visit to our church. Shumsky delivered an enlightening and engaging Sunday message entitled "Divine Revelation." Based upon her personal experience, our congregation was able to relate to this interesting lesson on listening and trusting the divine guidance we all receive from discovering that still small voice within. The message was very well received by the congregation. Shumsky also presented an afternoon workshop entitled "Becoming Spiritually Street Smart." During the workshop, participants received valuable information concerning the discernment process that each of us needs to participate in to discover whether the still small voice that we hear is truly from the divine light. The participants in the workshop found the information to be educational and practical. I heard from a couple of the participants that they look forward to applying the information to their own lives. I found Shumsky to be professional in her presentations as well in the products that she offered for sale. She was well received by our congregation and created an interesting and educational afternoon for everyone who participated." --Joanne M. Rowden, Spiritual Leader, Unity in Edinboro, PA.

"This past week we had the honor of having Susan Shumsky come to our Unity church in Mt. Vernon, WA. Shumsky spoke at the Sunday service and people were inspired and moved by her message. I highly recommend her to you and your congregation. Her Divine Revelation book sold out and she spoke from a place of real humility and a profound depth of knowledge. Her presentation is very professional and she is easy to work with. She came well prepared and everything around this event worked for the whole community."--Rev. Roy Ayers, Unity Church of Today, Mt. Vernon, WA.

"We recently had Susan Shumsky speak at our Unity Church. She spoke about being Spiritually Street Smart. Dr Shumsky is an engaging speaker. She knows her subject and uses personal sharing to illustrate application of spiritual teachings with humor and clarity. I recommend her, and we have invited her back to speak here again."--John Butler, Spiritual Director, Unity of Corvallis, OR.

"Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, energy and loving presence with us today at Unity of Pensacola. I was so pleased with the whole service and very happy to have had to opportunity to meet you finally face to face. You are a gifted speaker and educator. I look forward to our paths crossing again in the near future and I do wish you great peace and continued success on your journey. Many blessings, my friend."--Rev. Jamie Sanders, Unity of Pensacola, FL.

"When I think of last Sunday, I am reminded of how absolutely wonderful it is to know that not only do we travel our path of spiritual discover with God as our constant companion, but also how blessed we are for the noble friends who frequent our lives. You are one such friend who has touched us, though briefly, with your graciousness. Your Sunday message, 'Divine Revelation' and afternoon workshop, 'Intuitive Kinesiology,' willl long be a source of inspiration for us. You made us laugh and cry and remember that God is a presence, guiding our every step on life's journey. Thank you for presenting such a splendid workshop and touching our hearts with your thoughtful Sunday morning message."--Rev. Marleen F. Davis, Unity Church for Creative Living, Jacksonville, FL.

"Susan was with us for a Sunday talk and two workshops. She is an excellent speaker and an excellent presenter. Everyone here thoroughly enjoyed her presentations, and we received insights that are most helpful. Her slide presentation "Nectar of Immortal Life," a tour to India with her for the Kumbh Mela in Allahabad, India, was fantastic. All of us in the audience felt like we had actually taken a trip to India. Delightful. I am happy to recommend Shumsky, and if you would like to speak with me about her appearances here, please feel free to phone me at the church."--Rev. Julie Keene, Unity of Gainesville, FL.

"Susan Shumsky visited our church on Sunday, January 16, 2005. Her afternoon workshop, 'Intuitive Kinesiology,' attracted more attendees than we have ever had before in a workshop. Her presentation was professional and filled with enthusiasm. Not only did she explain all the different ways we can discern the guidance and voice of Spirit in laymen's terms, attendees were given the opportunity to experience God-guidance with "hands-on" practices. Everyone left the workshop with a renewed belief that God is alive and active in his or her life; and that there are definite ways to hear that "still small voice" within."--Rev. Elsie Huebner, Unity Community Church. Dunedin, FL.

"Susan Shumsky presented an inspiring, funny, and entertaining Sunday service entitled 'Divine Revelation' at our church last Sunday. I received very positive feedback from many members of our congregation. Her message was practical, profound, and motivational. I also attended Shumsky's workshop, 'Breakthrough to Spirit.' It was a powerful, deeply moving experience of listening to the 'still small voice within and receiving divine guidance. During the two weeks since the workshop, many of the participants have shared with me that they had breakthrough experiences. They have all asked that we have her back again. We had ordered 50 of Shumsky's books and could have sold more. Shumsky was delightful and easy to work with."--Rev. Beth Head, Unity Church of Melbourne, FL.

"I'm writing to tell you how much our membership enjoyed your workshop. Thirty-eight people attended the 'Divine Revelation' seminar. In the 2-1/2 years that I've been working at Unity, I have not seen so many people attend a workshop. At the time there was a lot of discussion about how much we all enjoyed the material you presented and the meditation you led. I had a epiphany myself as a result of the meditation. Those of us who attended were very impressed with your demonstration of positive thoughts vs. negative thoughts as they affect individual energy fields. It was an enjoyable and informative experience for us all. Many people bought your books to prepare for the workshop. We sold over 30 "Divine Revelation;" we sold 15 "Exploring Meditation" and 8 "Exploring Chakras." "Divine Revelation" sold out twice and has been reordered since you were here for special-requests. This simply has not happened with another facilitator/author. I, personally, have been working with your CDs, Divine Revelation and Chakra Meditation since you were here. I find them both to be positive and relaxing experiences. There was a great deal of interest and discussion among those attending. Feedback has all been positive. You generated a lot of enthusiasm here. Thank you for coming."--Ellen Wheeler, Manager, Unity Bookstore & Card Shoppe, Unity of Daytona Beach, FL.

"Susan Shumsky spoke to a full house about using guidance received through her simple method that she calls 'Divine Revelation.' Her personal use of this method inspired our congregation. Her seminar on Exploring Chakras was very interesting and she kept things lively. And our bookstore manager was very happy with the book sales. What I enjoy most about Susan is her ability to write and speak about practical spiritual matters that mean the most to people in a way that is simple and easy to understand."--Ellen Davis, Minister, Unity Church of New Hope, Denton,TX

"I very much enjoyed your message and workshop you presented here on March 12. Because of the thinking person's approach to meditation and contacting the divine within, it certainly has given me much to think about. I am eagerly looking forward to studying your books."--Robert Cordingley, President of the Board, Unity Church, Webster, TX.

"Thank you for your visit to the Unity Church of Fredericksburg! From the Borders book signing, to the series of workshops, as well as the Sunday lesson, your presence in our church was an inspiration. Through your insights and teachings, many of our congregants spoke to me and wanted to pass along their appreciation for the lessons, skills, and methods you demonstrated. You are a gifted teacher, who can inspire and teach what you have found to be true. I recommend you for any New Thought group that invites you to speak."--Randy Fillmore, Board President, Unity Church of Fredericksburg.

"It has been a joy to have you visit our Unity Centre of Light for the third time, offering your program entitled Breakthrough Intensive 1 and 2. Having participated in both 'Intensives' myself, I want to tell you how very compatible it is with our Unity teachings. Our co-founder, Charles Fillmore, referred to 'going to Headquarters' to receive one's guidance. This I found was exactly what your program is assisting one to do. It ensures that we move beyond the psychic realm to that place of Oneness with Spirit. I am personally grateful, Susan, for both the Breakthrough experiences. I feel there has been a significant shift in the freedom with which the Spirit within speaks through me now during my Sunday message. I attribute this in large part to your Breakthrough programs. Thank you for blessing so many at our Centre with this very special experience."--Diane Matthew, Minister, Unity Centre of Light, Toronto.

"Thanks, Susan, for coming to Christ Church Unity, Hamilton, Ontario. We enjoyed your presentation immensely, and your workshop was uplifting and empowering. It helped us to define how we can increase the power of our own prayer and spirituality."--Gail Frey, Board member, Christ Church Unity, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

"Susan Shumsky's workshop 'Becoming Spiritually Street-Smart' is an excellent seminar for anyone developing their psychic abilities or exploring the inner worlds. This workshop, which combats metaphysical malpractice, was well received at our church. Many attendees said it was "really great," and it was also great to be able to buy the book Divine Revelation to follow up."--Sheila Pease, Unity Centre of Practical Christianity in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

Contact Rev. Sherry Lady of Unity of Ashland, OR, 541-488-0890, sherrylady{at}, as a reference for Susan Shumsky.

Religious Science Churches:

"I have received nothing but positive feedback regarding Susan Shumsky's visit to The Soul-Esteem Center in St. Louis. People were impressed with her knowledge and awareness, enjoyed her sense of humor, and felt inspired by her message. We all appreciated her authenticity and direct approach, both on a personal level as well as a teacher/student level. The fact that we rank among the locations to have sold the most of Susan's books during one of her visits speaks for itself. Her ability to adapt to any audience and her wide range of information would make her an appropriate speaker for any church, especially New Thought churches. Thank you, Susan!"--Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks, The Soul-Esteem Center, Maryland Heights, MO.

"I want to tell you how delighted I am that you could come and be with our congregation this last Sunday. You were so well received at both services and your workshop was wonderful. Your message was sincere and people enjoyed it. I look forward to seeing you again, and again. Thank you for sharing with us."--Reverend Moira Foxe, Redondo Beach Church of Religious Science.

"Susan, On behalf of Rev. Karen Paschal and the rest of the congregation, we want to thank you for the inspiring Sunday message on 'Divine Revelation' and the informative and enriching workshop on Scientific Prayer. Both were well received and gave some wonderful insights to the people attending. Because of the Sunday presentation, those who were there were motivated to sign up for the Monday evening workshop and were able also to purchase your books and CDs. Thank you for choosing to include New Dawn Church in your travels."--Marilyn Manassee, Ecclesiastical Core Coordinator, New Dawn Church of Religious Science, Denver, CO.

"Our Center recently had the privilege of having Susan Shumsky present a Sunday talk followed by a workshop on the topic of "Divine Revelation." She was wonderful! Her presentation was both deeply profound and entertaining. Her knowledge and ability to integrate Eastern and Western spiritual teachings is quite extensive. Following the workshop many of the participants felt a significant shift in their conscious awareness toward a deeper connection with their inner voice. I would highly recommend this workshop for any church where inner spiritual work and meditation is a priority."--Sandy Jacob, Pastor, Circle's Edge Spiritual Center, Reno, NV.

"Susan Shumsky spoke at Creative Living Fellowship in February, 2004, and we were all impressed with her clear teachings of ways to follow Divine Guidance through meditation. We were pleasantly surprised with her sense of humor and the delightful manner in which she related her past experiences in an ashram in India."--Dr. Peggy Conger, Creative Living Fellowship, Phoenix, AZ.

"Susan Shumsky, it was a delight having you at our church. Our congregation just loved you and would love to have you come back next year. It is so rare to have people with your diverse background that actually understand Science of Mind so well. You were able to wrap our teachings into every aspect of your presentation and make it accessible to people who had taken our classes."--Thanks again, Revs. S. and Lynn Tucker, Oasis Center for Spiritual Living, Denver, CO.

"We had Susan Shumsky at our Sunday Service and for two workshops. I don't usually get the opportunity as the senior minister to hear our guest speakers, but this time I did and I was not disappointed. Everyone enjoyed her down-to-earth message which was humorous and entertaining, while sharing some poignant remarks. The feedback I received on her workshops was excellent as well. I would recommend Susan Shumsky for your church."--Rev. Janette Marie Freeman, Founding Minister, Church for Today, Fresno, CA.

"We are still benefiting from the consciousness you shared with us at our Celebration Service and Workshop. It was an enriching and inspirational experience for all who attended! I am so grateful you were able to come here and share your Divine Revelation insights and teachings with our spiritual community."--Rev. Carol Lawson, Center for Conscious Living, Moorestown, NJ.

"Susan Shumsky spoke at Westlake Church of Religious Science on Feb. 29, 2004. Her morning message was well received by our congregation and generated lively conversation and interest. I especially enjoyed her afternoon workshop. She presented a clear approach to scientific prayer and used a 9-step treatment of Spiritual Mind Treatment that specified precise language in order to enhance the clarity of the treatment and facilitate manifestation. Her presentation was clear and easy to follow and use. I have continued to refer to her materials since and have found her thoughts on other aspects of spirituality to be very useful. I was also especially interested in some of the techniques from Brain Gym, which can be used to stimulate initial learning and recall. Susan is a lively and intriguing speaker with much to offer students of metaphysics."--Jeannie Kingsford, Board member, Westlake Church of Religious Science.

"The workshop 'Divine Revelation,' which you presented at our church, made a profound impact on everyone who attended. I commend you for your depth and sincerity. Your presentation revealed to me that, yes, you have a solid and clear understanding of the spiritual truth which transform lives."--Rev. Wallace James Duke, Church of Religious Science, Denver.

Miscellaneous Churches:

"It is a delight to have someone of the caliber of Rev. Shumsky present an understanding of the process of reaching beyond the psychic to a mystical level of awareness. Her workshop is aptly entitled 'Divine Revelation.' Rev. Shumsky presents her workshop in a professional yet friendly manner which I'm sure your audience would appreciate. While her head is in the spiritual clouds, her feet are firmly planted on the ground. Nothing 'airy-fairy' about Susan. She helps students to acknowledge their divine connection. She has a good grasp of the experiential as well as the philosophical nature of revelation. One can indeed learn much from her workshops." --Dr. Helen V. Walker, Director, The Esoteric Truth Center, Denver.

"Susan Shumsky has taught her program 'Divine Revelation' at Willowdale United Church on two occasions. We were impressed with her gracious and quiet way of presenting universal truths and recommend her to all who are open to such truths." --Rev. Lindsey King, Willowdale United Church, Willowdale, Ontario.

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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Behind the Curtain of the Beatles in India

A look back at some things you didn't know

Download the Pitch Sheet HERE

Guest Opportunity: Susan Shumsky Meditation Expert, Award-Winning Author of Maharishi & Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles' Guru, and founder of Divine Revelation®

“The White Album” by The Beatles was their ninth studio effort and it has turned 50 years old. This album was like no other. It marked the four members of The Beatles taking control in the studio. It marked Harrison emerging to find his voice as songwriter and Lennon at his peak. It is also pointed the way to the fragmentation of music during the ‘70s. Even the poster and the four unsmiling portraits brought the listener into “The White Album.” But what are some of the things you may not know about “The White Album?”

Because Susan Shumsky spent 22 years in the ashrams and 6 years on the personal staff of the Beatles' guru, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation (TM), she is a rare insider who can surprise and entertain your audience by exposing the secret hidden meanings of Beatles songs written under Maharishi's influence, and tell shocking stories about what really happened to the Beatles in India.

Susan has 17 books in print with New York publishers and has done over 1300 media appearances, including Alan Colmes on Fox News, Washington Post, LA Times, Cosmopolitan, GQ, Woman’s World, and much more.

Here’s what Susan will reveal:

• What it was really like in Maharishi’s ashram at Rishikesh.
• The 3 real reasons the Beatles left India in a huff, and why it wasn’t about Mia Farrow.
• Which Beatle Maharishi thought was the best meditator (not George!).
• Why John Lennon and Yoko Ono were arrested in Mallorca, Spain in 1971 when I was there.
• Predictions Maharishi made about the Beatles and about John Lennon.
• The devastating remark Maharishi made when Lennon tried to return.
• Why George Harrison apologized to Maharishi in 1991.
• Why the Beatles made a pact never to reveal why they left India.
• Who "Sexy Sadie," "Dear Prudence," "Bungalow Bill," and “Jojo" were.
• The real Jean Simmons' look-alike in "The Maharishi Song" by John and Yoko.
• Hidden meanings of "Revolution,” "Get Back,” “Blackbird," "Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey," "Long, Long, Long," "Mother Nature’s Son," "Child of Nature," "Across the Universe," "My Sweet Lord," "Dehra Dun," and more.
• And many more revelations!

When: Available for morning, noon, evening, and overnight broadcasts, and for last-minute substitutions

Where: Nationwide via live feed or recorded on the Radio, TV, in-person, or via Skype or Phone

Meet Susan Shumsky

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Susan has done over 700 speaking engagements and over 1300 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, nationally syndicated and network TV, Alan Colmes on FOX News, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is also featured in the films Three Magic Words, The Illumined Ones, Superpower: Ignite Your Divine Intelligence, The Beatles and India, Here There and Everywhere, and The Maharishi Archives.

Susan has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She has authored 20 books in English and 40 foreign editions, and has won 45 prestigious book awards. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent several decades teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Big Book of Chakras and Chakra Healing, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations, The Inner Light, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.

Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.

To Book this Guest Send an Email to:

Please include the following information:

Your Media Outlet Name
Direct Contact Number
Date, time, and time zone that you want this guest to appear
Whether the interview is live or pre-recorded

“Maharishi & Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles' Guru”

by Susan Shumsky

Tearing Back the Curtain on Maharishi

Download the Pitch Sheet HERE

Susan Shumsky is a successful author in the human potential field. But in the 1970s, in India, the Swiss Alps, and elsewhere, she served on the personal staff of the most famous guru of the 20th century―Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Maharishi died in 2008 at age ninety, but his influence endures through the spiritual movement he founded: TM (Transcendental Meditation). Susan offers a rare insider's view of life with the guru, including the time the Beatles studied at his feet in Rishikesh, India, and wrote dozens of songs under his influence.

Susan's story of two decades living in Maharishi's ashrams is both inspirational and disturbing. There she grew from a painfully shy teenage seeker into a spiritually aware teacher and author. As a rare TM insider, she shares behind-the-scenes, myth-busting stories about Maharishi and his celebrity disciples (the Beatles, Deepak Chopra, Mia Farrow, Beach Boys, and many more).

- How did you get involved with TM?
- What is it like to experience Transcendental Consciousness?
- How did you end up in India at such a young age?
- You say being on International Staff with Maharishi was both heaven and hell. What does that mean?
- Why did you leave that organization?
- What happened when the Beatles went to Rishikesh, India, and why did they leave in a huff?
- What was Maharishi’s legacy, and how is meditation relevant today?

Susan shares: “Merely by being in his presence, we disciples entered an utterly timeless place and rapturous feeling, and, at the same time, realized the utter futility and insanity of the mundane world.”

When: Available for morning, noon, evening, and overnight broadcasts, and for last-minute substitutions

Where: Nationwide via live feed or recorded on the Radio, TV, in-person, or via Skype or Phone

Meet Susan Shumsky

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Susan has done over 700 speaking engagements and over 1300 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, nationally syndicated and network TV, Alan Colmes on FOX News, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is also featured in the films Three Magic Words, The Illumined Ones, Superpower: Ignite Your Divine Intelligence, The Beatles and India, Here There and Everywhere, and The Maharishi Archives.

Susan has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She has authored 20 books in English and 40 foreign editions, and has won 45 prestigious book awards. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent several decades teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Big Book of Chakras and Chakra Healing, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations,The Inner Light, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.

Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.

To Book this Guest Send an Email to:

Please include the following information:

Your Media Outlet Name
Direct Contact Number
Date, time, and time zone that you want this guest to appear
Whether the interview is live or pre-recorded

Yoga is NOT an Exercise:
It is a State of Being

Download the Pitch Sheet HERE

Guest Opportunity: Susan Shumsky Intuition and Meditation Expert, Award-Winning Author of Maharishi & Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles' Guru, and Founder of Divine Revelation®

Did you know that “yoga” is not an exercise? Did you know that “yoga" not something you “do”? Did you know there are many paths of “yoga"?  In honor of National Yoga Month, Elite Daily reached out Susan to get her expertise on the subject. This is a sample of what she said…….

 According to Susan Shumsky, a yoga teacher and author of Exploring Meditation, yoga is a state of being — not something you do on a mat in a gym. When you are in a state of yoga, you are deeply relaxed, yet alert," she tells Elite Daily in the article "7 Things No One Tells You About Yoga, According To Real Instructors." "This is called restful alertness, also known in Sanskrit as 'turiya' beyond waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. This is also described as 'samadhi,' [aka] evenness of mind and stillness of body."

What does all this mean? Let Susan use her background to elaborate on all the secrets of yoga, answer some of the questions above, and breakdown several of the paths of yoga.

Susan will reveal:

- Why yoga is not an exercise in a gym.
- Why you don't need a mantra or to chant OM in order to meditate.
- Yoga's hidden origins and ancient tradition.
- The 10 biggest mistakes people make when they mediate.
- Why people who think they cannot mediatea can meditate.
- Celebritieswho meditate.
- How meditation changed the world.

When: Available for morning, noon, evening, and overnight broadcasts, and for last-minute substitutions

Where: Nationwide via live feed or recorded on the Radio, TV, in-person, or via Skype or Phone

Meet Susan Shumsky

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Susan has done over 700 speaking engagements and over 1300 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, nationally syndicated and network TV, Alan Colmes on FOX News, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is also featured in the movies Three Magic Words, The Illumined Ones, Superpower: Ignite Your Divine Intelligence, The Beatles and India, Here There and Everywhere, and The Maharishi Archives.

Susan has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She has authored 20 books in English and 40 foreign editions, and has won 45 prestigious book awards. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent several decades teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Big Book of Chakras and Chakra Healing, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations,The Inner Light, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.

Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.

To Book this Guest Send an Email to:

Please include the following information:

Your Media Outlet Name
Direct Contact Number
Date, time, and time zone that you want this guest to appear
Whether the interview is live or pre-recorded

Everything You Want to Know about Ghosts
But Are Terrified to Ask

Download the Pitch Sheet HERE

Terrifying Answers about Ghosts 

Guest Opportunity: Dr. Susan Shumsky Intuition and Meditation Expert, Award-Winning Author, and Founder of Divine Revelation®

As the Halloween spirits have started to awaken, have you asked yourself any of the following questions…

- What really happens to souls after death?
- Is it possible to communicate with the dead; how so?
- Why are some homes, cars, offices, and other places haunted?
- What are the 9 types of people most susceptible to possession?
- What are 10 possible signs that a person needs entity healing?
- What are the 15 reasons why people become ghosts?

Dr. Susan Shumsky is a ghost buster and perfect Halloween guest who can tell you everything you ever wanted to know about ghosts—but were terrified to ask.  Open your phone lines for listeners with haunted houses, and Dr. Shumsky will send the ghosts packing!

When: Available for morning, noon, evening, and overnight broadcasts, and for last-minute substitutions

Where: Nationwide via live feed or recorded on the Radio, TV, in-person, or via Skype or Phone

Meet Susan Shumsky

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Susan has done over 700 speaking engagements and over 1300 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, nationally syndicated and network TV, Alan Colmes on FOX News, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is also featured in the films Three Magic Words, The Illumined Ones, Superpower: Ignite Your Divine Intelligence, The Beatles and India, Here There and Everywhere, and The Maharishi Archives.

Susan has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She has authored 20 books in English and 40 foreign editions, and has won 45 prestigious book awards. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent several decades teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Big Book of Chakras and Chakra Healing, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations,The Inner Light, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.

Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.

To Book this Guest Send an Email to:

Please include the following information:

Your Media Outlet Name
Direct Contact Number
Date, time, and time zone that you want this guest to appear
Whether the interview is live or pre-recorded

Trusting Your Gut

Guest Opportunity: Susan Shumsky Intuition and Meditation Expert, Award-Winning Author, and Founder of Divine Revelation®

Do you want to experience the divine presence? Do you want to never be alone again? Do you want to receive divine love and light? Do you want to test whether your intuition real?

With Susan Shumsky's profound, practical, transformational, proven methods, you will learn how to open your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact. You can open the pipeline to your higher self and begin the flow of inner guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from your center of being. You can awaken the “still small voice” within, go direct to Spirit without a middleman, and experience higher consciousness.

Susan will answer the questions above plus…..

* How to tap into your in-house counselor: your inner guidance and inner genius.

* How to receive unique signals that identify specific aspects of inner divinity.

* How to awaken your clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient gifts.

* How to heal ego blockages that have prevented clear intuition.

* How to experience the divine presence and receive clear intuition anytime you want, at will.

Susan Shumsky uses her seasoned background to answer the following questions…..

* How would you define spirituality?

* What is Intuition, and why is it important in today's economic climate?

* What are some ways people receive intuition?

* How can people develop their intuition?

* How can people overcome blockages that prevent getting clear intuition?

* How can people tell whether their intuition is real?

* What happened to you when you followed your intuition?

* What happened when you ignored your intuition?

When: Available for morning, noon, evening, and overnight broadcasts, and for last-minute substitutions

Where: Nationwide via live feed or recorded on the Radio, TV, in-person, or via Skype or Phone

Meet Susan Shumsky

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Susan has done over 700 speaking engagements and over 1300 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, nationally syndicated and network TV, Alan Colmes on FOX News, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is also featured in the films Three Magic Words, The Illumined Ones, Superpower: Ignite Your Divine Intelligence, The Beatles and India, Here There and Everywhere, and The Maharishi Archives.

Susan has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She has authored 20 books in English and 40 foreign editions, and has won 45 prestigious book awards. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent several decades teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Big Book of Chakras and Chakra Healing, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations,The Inner Light, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.

Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.

To Book this Guest Send an Email to:

Please include the following information:

Your Media Outlet Name
Direct Contact Number
Date, time, and time zone that you want this guest to appear
Whether the interview is live or pre-recorded

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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Instant Healing and Transformation

Download the Pitch Sheet HERE

Guest Opportunity: Susan Shumsky Intuition and Meditation Expert, Award-Winning Author, and Founder of Divine Revelation®

In a world of chaos, uncertainty, and malaise, it seems we can no longer depend on the institutions that supposedly offered us security and hope. With increasing anxiety and a sickening fear of the future, can we reverse the downward spiral of turmoil and frustration? Is there a way out of the madness?

With the help of Susan’s book Instant Healing,” you will be able to answer these questions …..

* How can you help your way out of a bad situation?

* What are the steps needed to get through your daily routine without frustration?

* Why do we always feel like we never get anything accomplished? How to change…..

When: Available for morning, noon, evening, and overnight broadcasts, and for last-minute substitutions

Where: Nationwide via live feed or recorded on the Radio, TV, in-person, or via Skype or Phone

Meet Susan Shumsky

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Susan has done over 700 speaking engagements and over 1300 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, nationally syndicated and network TV, Alan Colmes on FOX News, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is also featured in the films Three Magic Words, The Illumined Ones, Superpower: Ignite Your Divine Intelligence, The Beatles and India, Here There and Everywhere and The Maharishi Archives.

Susan has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She has authored 20 books in English and 40 foreign editions, and has won 45 prestigious book awards. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent several decades teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Big Book of Chakras, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations,The Inner Light, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.

Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.

To Book this Guest Send an Email to:

Please include the following information:

Your Media Outlet Name
Direct Contact Number
Date, time, and time zone that you want this guest to appear
Whether the interview is live or pre-recorded

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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Awaken Your Third Eye

What is your "third eye"? And how can you open it?

Through the window of your eyes, you can view the ever-changing landscape of your beauteous, miraculous world. You perceive this magnificent world with your five senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling.

But there is a sixth sense. With this sixth, higher sense perception, you can open the gateway to subtler realms of existence. You can develop an inner eye and view an invisible world, consisting of multiple dimensions, spiritual planes filled with light, and alternate realities of indescribable wonders. This eye of wisdom, knowledge, illumination, and intuition is aptly named "The Third Eye."

In India this third eye is known as the ajna chakra, a subtle energy plexus in the middle of your brain, seated in the pineal gland. Through this portal of higher vision, you can see what is not evident by solely using your physical eyes.

On your show, Susan Shumsky will explore the third eye and help your viewers or listeners open their third eye and develop super-sensory perception by various traditional and non-traditional methods, both ancient and modern.

Questions about the Third Eye

- What is the third eye, and where is it located?
- How is the pineal gland associated with the third eye?
- What is the symbolism associated with the pineal gland?
- Is the third eye referred to in the Old or New Testament of the Bible?
- How is the third eye depicted in architecture?
- What are the Eye of Providence and the all-seeing eye, and how do they differ?
- What is the Dog Star, and how is that related to the third eye?
- How is the Cyclopes related to the third eye?
- What is the eye of Horus?
- What is a chakra? And how is the third eye related to chakras?
- What is trepanation?
- What are the advantages of opening our third eye?
- What are the Yoga Sutras, and how are they related to the third eye?
- What is the microcosmic orbit, and how is that related to the third eye?
- What is the Philosopher's Stone and the immortal nectar: soma?
- What is DMT, and how is that related to the third eye?
- What is supersensory perception, and how can we develop it?
- Can you say a prayer or affirmation to help us open our third eye?
- Can anyone open his or her third eye, and how can he or she do that?
- Can you teach us some exercises to help us open the third eye?
- What is mirror gazing?
- How can we tell whether our intuition is real?
- What is the ultimate purpose of the third eye?

When: Available for morning, noon, evening, and overnight broadcasts, and for last-minute substitutions

Where: Nationwide via live feed or recorded on the Radio, TV, in-person, or via Skype or Phone

Meet Susan Shumsky

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Susan has done over 700 speaking engagements and over 1300 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, nationally syndicated and network TV, Alan Colmes on FOX News, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is also featured in the films Three Magic Words, The Illumined Ones, Superpower: Ignite Your Divine Intelligence, The Beatles and India, Here There and Everywhere, and The Maharishi Archives.

Susan has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She has authored 20 books in English and 40 foreign editions, and has won 45 prestigious book awards. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent several decades teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Big Book of Chakras, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations,The Inner Light, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.

Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.

To Book this Guest Send an Email to:

Please include the following information:

Your Media Outlet Name
Direct Contact Number
Date, time, and time zone that you want this guest to appear
Whether the interview is live or pre-recorded

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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Are Vampires Sucking Your Energy Dry?
Experience Greater Energy, Love, and Happiness

Download the Pitch Sheet HERE

Thousands of people have found The Power of Auras invaluable—especially those in the holistic health field who use its methods in their daily practice. This new edition will bring the message of self-sufficiency to even more people who desperately need greater strength during this time of change.

With this book, you will learn how to:

• See or sense auras.
• Develop spiritual self-defense and protection.
• Increase power, balance, focus, and clarity.
• Heal and release dense vibrations.
• Release attachments and addictions.
• Cut psychic ties and cords.
• And much more!

“Finally, a book on the subtle fields of energy that is well-researched and demystified, with practical techniques that can be used by anyone. A valuable contribution to the field of energy healing.” —Anodea Judith, PhD, author of Wheels of Life 

Questions About "The Power Of Auras"

1. What is your background?
2. What is an aura, and what do you mean by The Power of Auras?
3. What is the human energy field, and what are the layers of that field?
4. What is prana, and how does that bring us greater prosperity and success?
5. What is a "psychic sponge"?
6. What is a thought-form, how are we influenced by them, and how can we heal them?
7. What are some of the anomalies that you've perceived in the human energy field?
8. What is a psychic-tie, and how does that differ from a love-tie?
9. What is a façade body, and how can we heal it?
10. What is an astral entity, and how can we heal them?
11. Why is healing the energy field important now, in this time of uncertainty?
12. How can we see auras?
13. What do various colors mean when they appear in the energy field?
14. What is a chakra and what are nadis?
15. What is kundalini, and have you ever experienced it?
16. What is Intuitive Kinesiology, and what does that have to do with auras?
17. What is commonly not known about seeing auras?

When: Available for morning, noon, evening, and overnight broadcasts, and for last-minute substitutions

Where: Nationwide via live feed or recorded on the Radio, TV, in-person, or via Skype or Phone

Meet Susan Shumsky

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Susan has done over 700 speaking engagements and over 1300 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, nationally syndicated and network TV, Alan Colmes on FOX News, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is also featured in the movies Three Magic Words, The Illumined Ones, Superpower: Ignite Your Divine Intelligence, The Beatles and India, and The Maharishi Archives.

Susan has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She has authored 20 books in English and 40 foreign editions, and has won 45 prestigious book awards. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent several decades teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Big Book of Chakras, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations,The Inner Light, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.

Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.

To Book this Guest Send an Email to:

Please include the following information:

Your Media Outlet Name
Direct Contact Number
Date, time, and time zone that you want this guest to appear
Whether the interview is live or pre-recorded

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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Secret Info About Chakras
Never Before Revealed

What are "chakras" and why do your listeners want to know about them?

Susan Shumsky uncovers information about the human energy field never before revealed. Even if they think they are experts in "chakras," your listeners will be amazed at what they can learn on your show. 

With the information and methods Shumsky provides, your listeners can awaken and energize their chakras and become…

- Healthier and happier

- More charismatic and magnetic

- And more attractive as a result 

The chakras are powerful energy centers located in your subtle body. Unknown to many people, these vortexes of life energy govern and regulate your physical body. According to the ancient Tantric and Vedic scriptures of India, there are 14 chakras—7 major ones along your spinal column, and 7 others, most of which are located in your brain. Each chakra performs a specific function and is associated with discrete body parts and aspects of mind. Some chakras embody physical elements, such as earth, air, fire, etc., and some are associated with days of the week, planets, gemstones, and colors.

The word chakra literally means "wheel." So each chakra has a hub, where many subtle energy conduits intersect, and it also has spokes, which are radiations of subtle energy. Chakras are often likened to lotuses, and radiations of energy equated with lotus petals. In addition, each chakra is associated with certain Sanskrit sounds called mantras. These mantric units or specific sounds on the petals and in the hub of the chakras vibrate with letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. The lotus petals on six of the seven major chakras comprise the entire Sanskrit alphabet, and the seventh major chakra vibrates all 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet.

The Big Book of Chakras opens the door to the potent, mysterious force called kundalini, a mysterious, dormant, potent force within the body that can bring spiritual enlightenment. The Big Book of Chakras provides easy, step-by-step methods to help you begin to gently awaken your kundalini energy in a safe, reliable, and systematic way. These meditations, yoga postures, and yoga breathing methods are traditional, reliable, field-proven practices.

Susan Shumsky can help you:

- Discover your subtle body and energy field.
- Learn about prana and how it functions in your body, mind, and spirit.
- Gain understanding of kundalini energy and the chakra system.
- Learn to heal blockages in your subtle body.
- Learn to maintain health of your energy field.
- Empower yourself as a multidimensional being.

Beginners as well as advanced students can benefit from the information and methods presented in The Big Book of Chakras. The book’s authority rests not only on Susan’s personal experiences but also on ancient scriptural sources. 


- What is the aura?
- What is prana, and how does that bring us greater prosperity and success?
- What are nadis?
- What is the human energy field, and what are the layers of that field?
- What does the Sanskrit word chakra mean? How do you correctly pronounce the word chakra?
- What is kundalini, and have you ever experienced it?
- What is yoga?
- What is the purpose of raising kundalini?
- What is Kundalini Yoga?
- What are the 14 chakras that you talk about in your book The Big Book of Chakras?
- What are some myths about chakras?
- What are the chakra colors, days of the week, and planets associated with the chakras?
- How are chakras related to the elements, senses, and organs?
- How does the universe spring from the singularity or the void?
- How do chakras relate to the birth and death of the cosmos?
- What is maya, and how does unity split into duality?
- What is the most common misperception about yoga? 

When: Available for morning, noon, evening, and overnight broadcasts, and for last-minute substitutions

Where: Nationwide via live feed or recorded on the Radio, TV, in-person, or via Skype or Phone

Meet Susan Shumsky

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Susan has done over 700 speaking engagements and over 1300 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, nationally syndicated and network TV, Alan Colmes on FOX News, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is also featured in the movies Three Magic Words, The Illumined Ones, Superpower: Ignite Your Divine Intelligence, The Beatles and India, and The Maharishi Archives.

Susan has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She has authored 20 books in English and 40 foreign editions, and has won 45 prestigious book awards. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent several decades teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Big Book of Chakras, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations,The Inner Light, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.

Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.

To Book this Guest Send an Email to:

Please include the following information:

Your Media Outlet Name
Direct Contact Number
Date, time, and time zone that you want this guest to appear
Whether the interview is live or pre-recorded

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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Law of Attraction in Action

Download the Pitch Sheet HERE

Number one on the New York Times best-sellers list, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne has become a cultural phenomenon. Featured on Larry King Live and twice on The Oprah Winfrey Show, this movie and book teaches the principles of the Law of Attraction.

Shumsky's book Miracle Prayer goes one step further. It teaches readers how to use the Law of Attraction in a practical way in everyday life to fulfill their goals and create success through a simple, easy-to-learn, field-proven, nine-step method of intention and visualization.

What's more, Miracle Prayer teaches the same techniques and principles that were discovered by Rhonda Byrne as she researched The Secret. That amazing method is called "Scientific Prayer", and The Secret is simply a new packaging of an old philosophy called New Thought.

Although many people are frustrated with failure, millions of Americans have used the Law of Attraction to turn their lives around with a proven method that is effective, practical, and highly successful. Miracle Prayer is a spiritual self-help book that teaches this extraordinary technique.

Miracle Prayer offers a unique, ecumenical process of Scientific Prayer, for people of all backgrounds and religious beliefs, that readers can use to pray for themselves and others and get the positive results they are seeking. This system has its basis in the teachings of New Thought, which is, in turn, the foundation of the current human potential movement.

A non-sectarian metaphysical philosophy, New Thought was developed in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by such luminaries as Ernest Holmes (founder of Church of Religious Science and author of The Science of Mind) and Charles Fillmore (founder of Unity Church). New Thought teachings subscribe to the belief that mind is causative. In other words, we create our own lives through our thoughts and emotions. Therefore we can change our destiny simply by changing our minds.

The Secret of the Law of Attraction is now sweeping the nation. Now readers can use that spiritual law in a practical way to solve everyday problems, to create positive results, to fulfill their goals, and to make their dreams come true. Miracle Prayer will show them how.

On your show, Shumsky can explain to your audience:

- How the Law of Attraction works
- How they are 100% responsible for their lives.
- Why there are no victims. There are only volunteers.
- How we create mental laws that govern our lives.
- How to overcome the law of karma through the Law of Grace.
- How to discover and fulfill our life purpose.
- How to use the power of affirmation, prayer, and vision boards to fulfill our heartfelt desires and goals.
- Inspiring stories of people who have created miracles in their lives through using the Law of Attraction.

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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How to Get Practical Results
Through Affirmative Prayer

Download the Pitch Sheet HERE

Many who pray become frustrated when they do not receive the results they seek. Why are their prayers not working? Are they praying amiss? Is their technique of prayer ineffectual?

Even though some people are not getting results from prayer, millions of people have used a proven method of prayer that is effective, practical, and highly successful. Susan Shumsky teaches this extraordinary system and has written a book called Miracle Prayer—a unique, ecumenical approach to prayer for people of all backgrounds and religious beliefs.

On your show, Shumsky can explain to your audience:

- How they are 100% responsible for their lives.
- Why there are no victims. There are only volunteers.
- How we create mental laws that govern our lives.
- How to overcome the law of karma through the Law of Grace.
- How to discover and fulfill our life purpose.
- How to use the power of affirmation and prayer to fulfill our heartfelt desires and goals.
- Inspiring stories of people who have created miracles in their lives through prayer.

Anyone can use a process called Scientific Prayer to pray for themselves and others and get the positive results they are seeking. This powerful method has its basis in the teachings of New Thought, which is, in turn, the foundation of the current human potential movement. This amazing, field-proven technique has produced miracles in the lives of millions of people worldwide.

Scientific Prayer is a systematic approach to focusing intention and formulating prayers that get results, based on the premise that thoughts create our destiny. Using a prescribed nine-step prayer format that heals and transform the mind, anyone can learn how to accept with full faith that the desired goal is achieved.

The 9-Step Prayer Formula

1. Request/Goal
2. Recognition/Glorification
3. Rapport/Unification
4. Resolution/Claim
5. Renewal/Healing
6. Realization/Conviction
7. Reward/Gratitude
8. Release/Letting Go
9. Repose/Silence

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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Visual Goal-Setting

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In the popular DVD The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, John Assarof reported that he had cut out a photo of his ideal home from a magazine and pasted it onto a vision board. When he moved, he packed his board into a large cardboard box and forgot about it. Many years later, he opened the box, and, to his utter astonishment, he discovered that he was living in the exact house that he had pasted on the vision board! Another star of The Secret, Lisa Nichols, appeared on Oprah Winfrey and displayed her vision board to the audience. Her board featured a photo of Oprah Winfrey along with an affirmation stating, "Lisa tells her story on the Oprah Winfrey show."

Number one on the New York Times best-seller list, The Secret is a cultural phenomenon. Featured twice on Larry King Live and twice on The Oprah Winfrey Show, (with a response of one million hits on her web site) this movie and book teach the principles of the Law of Attraction and feature "vision boards."

Now that "The Secret" is out, Susan Shumsky will provide a fun, easy way for viewers to consciously create their future through the "Law of Attraction."

A "vision board" or "treasure map" is a visual representation of goals that people want to achieve. Vision boards help them fulfill their desires, because pictures provide focus to their mind, and visualization is a powerful way to make dreams come true.

Why do people struggle to fulfill their aspirations? Because they do not know how to focus on their goals. For instance, they cannot imagine themselves with a thin body. But they can cut out a magazine photo of a thin person who resembles them. That photo will help them to envision their body as slender. People cannot see themselves with a mate. Yet they can find a picture of someone who attracts them, and that photo will help them imagine a mate. They can download Internet photos of a home that they want to live in. This will help them picture and move into the home of their dreams.

Viewers can cut out magazine photos that represent all categories of aspirations, including financial stability, profitable investments, ideal employment, harmonious relationships with family or friends, a desired automobile, well-behaved pets, charitable or missionary work, health and healing, or world peace.

Shumsky will show you how to achieve your goals by pasting photos onto cardboard, foam board, into a binder, scrapbook, or journal, onto your computer's desktop, hung from a string, into a special box, or even taped to a mirror or magnetized to a refrigerator door. Looking at these pictures daily and reading the affirmations will help them more readily fulfill their desires.

Shumsky will teach several practical methods of fulfilling goals through using vision boards and similar techniques. For example, one method will teach viewers how to make a "My Best Year Yet" scrapbook with photos and affirmations representing goals they want to fulfill for the next year. Specific pages can represent separate goals, for instance: weight loss, a new home, a relationship, health, financial gain, and so forth. Shumsky will show viewers how to compose related affirmations and positive words to place on these pages.

The method of vision boards, using visualization and affirmation with "treasure-mapping," has been used in the New Thought field by millions of people since 1968, when a 64-page booklet called What Treasure Mapping Can Do for You, by Mary Katherine MacDougall, was published by the Unity Church.

Why is treasure-mapping so potent? Because it offers an amazingly effective way to achieve goals. While traditional goal-setting techniques focus on left-brain words and endless repetition, vision boards use imagery-the very language of the subconscious-to influence both halves of the brain.

Millions of people use scrapbooking or journaling to celebrate the past. But they have not yet used such methods as powerful tools to create the future. On your show, Susan Shumsky will show them how.

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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"Avatars" and Ascended Masters Are REAL !

You will never die. Beyond the mortal boundaries of your physical form, you are an immortal being, living forever in a beauteous, radiant body of luminous spheres in multiple dimensions. Susan Shumsky will open your eyes to these spheres. You will begin to awaken your true, immortal self-a magnificent being of brilliant light, radiance, and glory.

Shumsky leads you into the depths of your being to recover what might be called your higher self, guardian angel, inner guru, spiritual guide, master-teacher, or God within. You can meet and consciously communicate with deities, angels, archangels, and masters from worldwide traditions, as well as divine beings personal and unique to you. All of them are eager to meet and communicate with you.

     In this interview with Susan Shumsky, you will discover:

- How to meet the ascended masters and angels of light.
- Amazing stories of immortal beings.
- What it means to experience ascension and walk beyond death.
- Stories about direct visitations from divine beings.
- People living today who might be ascended masters.
- How George Washington and the founding fathers were visited by ascended masters
- Reports of ascended masters disappearing with a flash of light
- Secrets of the real fountain of youth and Philosopher's Stone
- Great saints of India who live in eternal youth
- Corpses that remain fresh and sweet-smelling for up to 1800 years.
- Incorruptible ancient corpses such as Saint Nicolas, which exude copious healing balm.
- Real-life stories of immortal Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Jewish, and Taoist masters
- Encounters with people who have lived hundreds or thousands of years.
- How to directly contact and communicate with ascended masters

Susan Shumsky reveals 7 possible choices you can make at death, and how anyone can achieve physical immortality.

Your listeners will learn about real ascended masters, avatars, immortal beings, walk-ins, the Great White Lodge and Brotherhood, immortal elixirs, soma, ringsels, incorruptible corpses, and so much more.

Questions about Ascension:

1. What is an ascended master?
2. What is an avatar?
3. What is the White Brotherhood and White Sisterhood?
4. Have people really attained physical immortality?
5. Is Ascension possible for everyone, or just for divine beings like Jesus?
6. Who are some of the ascended masters?
7. Were there ascended masters in the Bible?
8. Tell us about immortal beings from India.
9. Tell us about immortal beings from China.
10. What is the Rainbow Body of Tibetan Buddhism?
11. Tell us about incorruptible corpses.
12. What is the Philosopher's Stone?
13. How can we communicate with ascended masters and immortal beings?

When: Available for morning, noon, evening, and overnight broadcasts, and for last-minute substitutions

Where: Nationwide via live feed or recorded on the Radio, TV, in-person, or via Skype or Phone

Meet Susan Shumsky

A sought-after media guest and highly acclaimed professional speaker, Susan has done over 700 speaking engagements and over 1300 media appearances since her first book was published, including Woman's World, GQ, Cosmopolitan, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, nationally syndicated and network TV, Alan Colmes on FOX News, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and William Shatner's Weird or What? She is also featured in the movies Three Magic Words, The Illumined Ones, Superpower: Ignite Your Divine Intelligence, The Beatles and India, and The Maharishi Archives.

Susan has dedicated her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She has authored 20 books in English and 40 foreign editions, and has won 45 prestigious book awards. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has spent several decades teaching thousands of people meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition. Her books have been published in several languages worldwide, and several were #1 best sellers. They include: Divine Revelation, Miracle Prayer, Ascension, Exploring Meditation, Instant Healing, The Power of Auras, The Big Book of Chakras, Awaken Your Third Eye, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, Color Your Chakras, Third Eye Meditations, Earth Energy Meditations, Prosperity Meditations,The Inner Light, and her memoir Maharishi & Me.

Shumsky is a highly respected spiritual teacher and founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.

To Book this Guest Send an Email to:

Please include the following information:

Your Media Outlet Name
Direct Contact Number
Date, time, and time zone that you want this guest to appear
Whether the interview is live or pre-recorded

Susan Shumsky, P.O. Box 7185, New York, N.Y. 10116, 212-946-5132

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To Order Our Books, CDs, DVDs, Private Sessions, etc.,

"Ascension" TV Segment
Alan Colmes Show, Fox TV
Living a Divinely Guided Life
on "Expanding Consciousness" with Anjula Ram

The Near-Death Experience on TV Show
"Weird or What" with William Shatner

"Better Today" Vision Boards TV Segment

Susan Shumsky's Message
for World United Conference

Maharishi & Me: Secrets of the
Master/Disciple Relationship

Open Your Third Eye
on The Moore Show

Following Divine Guidance
"Dare to Dream Bigger Summit"

Connect to Angels, Ascension, Divine Source Quickly
on "You Wealth Revolution" with Darius Barazandeh

Experience the Light Body and Ascension Activation
on You Awakening, with Darius Barazandeh

Divine Revelation on "New Realities"

Creating and Changing Our Destiny at
"Alchemy Event"

How to Connect with Spiritual Beings
on "Fire it Up with CJ"

Awaken Your Third Eye
on "Fire it Up with CJ"

Susan Shumsky on
"Our Wish Is Our Command" Segment

Instant Healing
on "Fulfillment Power Summit"

Color Your Chakras on Move into the Magic
with Maxine Taylor

Intuition and Income Summit
with Abby Gooch:

Ascension - The Masters of Immortality
on Portal To Ascension

Ascension Now Panel at Conscious Life Expo

Healing the Astral Plane - Clear your Energy Field
and the Environment - 5D Event

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