ISBN-10: 1601632894
ISBN-13: 978-1601632890
New Page Books, publisher, 288 pages

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(New Edition of Exploring Auras)

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The Power of Auras
Tap Into Your Energy Field For Clarity, Peace of Mind, and Well-Being

Do you now want more energy, well-being, clarity, and peace of mind? Because in the new, revolutionary Exploring Auras, you will discover extraordinary breakthroughs about the human energy field that are simply unavailable anywhere else. Through this powerful, informative, practical book, you will discover, experience, cleanse, and strengthen auric fields through amazingly simple methods that produce powerful results instantly.

The ancient Greek word "aura" means "breath of air"-the vital energy that breathes life into your being. This subtle energy field, which permeates and envelops your body, is a multifaceted, multidimensional field of immense light, power, and energy.

The breath of air that gives you life also breathes life into the cosmos. Thus everything in the universe is filled and surrounded by auric fields that you can experience, measure, evaluate, cleanse, heal, restore, and strengthen.

With easy, proven tools and techniques in Exploring Auras, you can:

  • Develop subtle sensory perception to see or sense auras.
  • Overcome psychic-sponge-syndrome, over-sensitivity, and psychic vampirism.
  • Develop spiritual self-defense, auric protection, and self-reliance.
  • Increase power, balance, focus, and clarity in your energy field.
  • Heal and release dense vibrations in your environment.
  • Release attachments and addictions crystallized in your energy field.
  • Cut psychic ties and cords to create healthier relationships.
  • Overcome psychic nets, clamps, plates, hooks, tentacles, arrows, jails, holes, leaks, armors, masks, shells, entities, environ-mental static, and geopathic zones.
  • Heal and augment energy fields through intuitive dowsing, color, sound, breathing, movement, meditation, affirmation, and visualization.

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Table of Contents


Part I: Discovering Your Energy Field

Chapter 1: What's an Aura, Anyway?
Introducing Energy Fields
Chapter 2: How Bright Is Your Aura?
Discovering Pranic Energies
Chapter 3: Your Multifaceted Aura
Exploring Subtle Body Anatomy
Chapter 4: How Science Sees Auras
Researching the Human Energy Field

Part II: Experiencing Your Energy Field

Chapter 5: You Can See and Feel Energy
Experiencing Subtle Vibrations
Chapter 6: How Big Is Your Aura?
Mapping and Measuring Energy Fields
Chapter 7: What Does Your Aura Look Like?
Seeing Auras and Thought-Forms
Chapter 8: What Color Is Your Aura?
Discovering Light and Color

Part III: Cleansing Your Energy Field

Chapter 9: Healing Environ-Mental Static
Healing Your Auric Atmosphere
Chapter 10: Are You a Psychic Sponge?
Developing Auric Protection and Self-Authority
Chapter 11: Your Mind-Your Worst Enemy?
Transforming Your Mental Body
Chapter 12: Healing Power of Prayer
Purifying Your Auric Field

Part IV: Strengthening Your Energy Field

Chapter 13: Using Color and Sound
Lifting Vibrational Energy
Chapter 14: Using Breath with Intention
Augmenting Pranic Energy
Chapter 15: Using Energetic Movement
Vitalizing Your Energy Body
Chapter 16: Using Intuitive Kinesiology
Tools to Strengthen Your Aura
Chapter 17: Using Deep Meditation
Transforming Your Energy Field

About the Author
For More Information

Introducing Energy Fields
What's an Aura Anyway?
by Dr. Susan Shumsky

"He who stays with the sun will know no darkness."-Nisargadatta1

During my travels I met Jodie, a massage therapist from Dallas, who had studied and practiced spiritual healing for decades. During a private session with Jodie I saw a bizarre anomaly in her energy field-a large, thick rectangular "psychic plate" in front of her face and upper torso. This plate had been installed in her aura by a so-called spiritual teacher named Kriya, whom Jodie considered to be a highly evolved spiritual master. After I used a healing affirmation to dissolve the plate, Jodie asked me whether it was wise for her to continue studying with Kriya. My reply was, "If you enjoy having a psychic plate in front of your face so that you cannot see the truth, so that you cannot hear the divine voice, and so that you cannot feel love, then, by all means, continue to follow Kriya."

This story illustrates a simple point. We all have misconceptions about the human energy field, no matter how long we have studied or practiced spiritual healing. And we can all be duped by teachers whom we consider to be "more highly evolved" than we are.

Therefore, let us begin with some basics and answer a few of your questions.

FAQ's About Experiences of Subtle Energy

1. "I am not clairvoyant. How can I learn to read auras?"
This book offers many simple tools and techniques to help you read auras without any special abilities. Here you also learn to develop subtle sensory perception so you can begin to feel, sense, or see auras.
2. "Do I have healing abilities, and can I start a healing practice?"
Everyone has healing abilities that can be developed. In this book you learn many methods for healing your own energy field and that of others. Most of these techniques require no previous abilities or training.
3. "What can I do about being controlled by other people and getting drained, as though vampires are sapping my energy?"
This book provides ways to overcome psychic-sponge-syndrome-oversensitivity to environmental influences.
4. "I experience a lot of fear. How can I overcome this?"
This book helps you develop spiritual self-defense and experience the safety, security, and protection of your higher self.
5. "What can I do when I feel off-balance, scattered, confused, and ineffective?"
Using simple methods that anyone can do, in this book you learn how to be more powerful, centered, balanced, focused, and clear in your energy field.
4. "I feel overwhelmed by negative thoughts and emotions. Can I move past this?"
Here you learn and practice specific healing affirmations and prayers that help you transform and transmute your mental/emotional body.
5. "How can I handle the creepy vibes in my office?"
This book helps you heal and release the dense vibrations in your environmental atmosphere.
6. "How can I have better relationships at home and at work?"
Here you use techniques and tools for working with subtle energy fields to create healthier relationships.
7. "Can I overcome the havoc that co-dependency and addiction have wreaked?"
In this book you learn to release undue attachments and addictions that have become crystallized in your energy field.
8. "Is this easy to practice? Or do I have to struggle with difficult, strict, hard-to-follow disciplines?"
This book is easy to understand, logical, and practical, with simple-to-learn methods requiring no previous experience, background, training, or knowledge.

Take the Aura IQ Test

Okay, calling all experts to test your "Aura IQ." Maybe you have studied spiritual healing for decades, and you believe that you are an authority on the subject. Perhaps you think this book is too elementary for you. Even if you think you are an expert, the following test just might stump you.

1. What does the word "aura" mean?
A. A sphere of energy. B. A bubble of protection. C. A breeze. D. A circle around the body. E. A chocolate cookie sandwich with cream filling.
2. What is the human energy field?
A. A place from which we receive energy. B. A higher plane of existence. C. Higher consciousness. D. The subtle bodies. E. "If you build it, they will come."
3. What does the word "prana" mean?
A. Moving or breathing forth. B. Subtle energy. C. The breath of life. D. A breathing exercise. E. A man-eating fish.
4. What is a thought-form?
A. A negative idea, habit, or condition. B. A strong belief or idea that has crystallized. C. The mental body. D. The subconscious mind. E. A fantasy about Britney Spears.
5. What is a power spot?
A. A place where energy leys intersect. B. A place where powerful entities reside. C. An earth energy grid. D. A crop circle. E. A dog in a detergent commercial.
6. What is a psychic tie?
A. A spiritual connection. B. A love connection. C. A binding attachment. D. A rope, string or cord. E. A lover. F. Something Rush Limbaugh wears.
7. What is a façade body?
A. A mask that hides your true self. B. A subtle body that embodies your higher self. C. A thought-form in your intellect. D. A subtle body that embodies your mind. E. Marilyn Manson dressed up as Alice Cooper.
8. What is the food sheath?
A. The physical body. B. The astral body. C. The mental body. D. The subtle body. E. A muzzle you wear to prevent overeating.
9. What is the mental body?
A. A subtle body made of crystallized thoughts. B. A subtle body made of the higher mind. C. The ego and intellect. D. The atman. E. What you wear in a padded cell.
10. What is the blissful sheath?
A. A subtle body made of the higher self. B. The causal body. C. The higher mental body. D. The veil that covers your true mental body. E. Something you found in your brother's wallet.
11. What does the word "chakra" mean?
A. A wheel. B. The center of the body. C. When it opens, you become enlightened. D. A nerve ending. E. That awful screeching blackboard sound.
12. What does the word "kundalini" mean?
A. A goddess from India. B. Curled-up energy. C. A sign that you are experiencing higher consciousness. D. A snake or serpent. E. A pasta.
13. What is an astral entity?
A. A person who died. B. An evil spirit. C. An earthbound spirit. D. A higher being who gives information through channeling. E. A baseball player for the Houston team.
14. What is muscle-testing?
A. A way to heal astral entities. B. A way to heal your body. C. A way to enhance your energy field. D. A way to measure the weakness or strength of your muscles. E. Something they do on a beach in Venice, California.
15. What is a psychic sponge?
A. An overly sensitive person. B. Someone with psychic abilities. C. A psychic vampire. D. A negative person. E. Something used to mop up your psyche.
16. What is clairsentience?
A. Clear seeing. B. Clear sound. C. Clear sensing. D. Clear scent. E. Clair de Lune's twin sister.
17. What can mirror gazing do?
A. Help you develop clairvoyance. B. Help you hear the inner voice. C. Help you get the answer to a question. D. Help you read minds. E. Tell you who's the fairest of them all.
18. What is an L-rod?
A. A tool used by psychics to tell the future. B. A tool that drills for water. C. A tool that surpasses your intuition. D. An angle rod or swing rod. E. The founder of the Church of Scientology.
19. What is a pendulum?
A. Something that counts time. B. A weight attached to an armature. C. A crystal hanging from a chain. D. A tool that predicts the future. E. A scary book by Edgar Allen Poe.
20. What is kinesiology?
A. The study of movement. B. Muscle-testing. C. Telepathy. D. Dowsing. E. A wrestling match with your chiropractor.

Scoring Your Test

Here you can place a check mark to the left of those answers that you answered correctly. The answers to this test are as follows.
_____1:C: The word "aura" derives from ancient Greek for "breath of air" or "breeze": avra.
The human energy field consists of subtle bodies that permeate and surround the physical body.
_____3:A: The Sanskrit word "prana" means moving or breathing forth.
_____4:B: A thought-form is an idea or concept with so much energy that it crystallizes and takes a subtle structure.
_____5:A: A power spot is a place with powerful, aura-strengthening earth energies where energy leys intersect.
_____6:C: A psychic tie is an undue attachment or repulsion to any person, place, thing, organization, situation, circumstance, memory, experience, or addiction.
_____7:A: A façade body is a mask or veil that you wear, a false persona that you project, which hides who you really are.
_____8:A: The food sheath is the physical body, which is created and sustained by food, and which becomes food for something else after death.
_____9:A: The mental body consists of thought-forms-crystallized thoughts and emotions.
_____10:B: The blissful sheath consists of the causal body, progenitor of individual ego.
_____11:A: The Sanskrit word "chakra" means "wheel," because its hub links many conduits of subtle energy, and its spokes radiate subtle energy.
_____12:B. The Sanskrit root "kundal" means curled-up. Kundalini is a special spiritual energy coiled at the base of the spine.
_____13:C: An astral entity is often a soul, who, for various reasons, did not go into the divine light after death.
_____14:C: Muscle testing shows whether your muscles are weakened or strengthened. This can test how your energy field is affected by various influences.
_____15:A: A psychic sponge is a person who absorbs vibrations from the environment like a sponge absorbs water.
_____16:C: Clairsentience is a French term meaning "clear feeling."
_____17:A: Mirror gazing is a practice that helps develop clairvoyant sight ("clear-seeing" in French).
_____18:D: An L-rod, also called angle rod or swing rod, can be used to find lost objects, measure invisible energies, and enhance your intuition.
_____19:B: A pendulum is a device with a weight attached to an armature (usually a string or chain). It can be used to measure subtle energy.
_____20:A: "Kinesis" means "movement," and "ology" means "science or branch of knowledge." So "kinesiology" means the study of movement.

Evaluating Your Test

· If you got 20 right, congratulations! Your Aura IQ is 200. With a perfect score, you are titled Doctor of Aura Exploration.
· If you got 15-19 right, you are a Master of Aura Exploration. You have delved deeply into spiritual studies, and your Aura IQ is 175.
· If you got 10-14 right, you are a Bachelor of Aura Exploration. You know a lot, but you have a few things to learn. Your Aura IQ is 150.
· If you got 5-9 right, this book will be an eye-opener. You will learn much here. Your Aura IQ is 125.
· If you got 1-4 right, the odds are with you. You've successfully proven that random selection works. Your Aura IQ is 100.
· If you got them all wrong, I would not be surprised. Your Aura IQ is 75.
· If you chose any of the E's, congratulations. At least you have a sense of humor.

Are you surprised at some of the answers on the test? That is because many myths surround the terms mentioned there. Having some familiarity with these esoteric terms is not the same as understanding them deeply. In this book you will gain profound understanding of all these terms, and you will learn how to use them in everyday practical life to enhance your energy field. Let us begin now with an in-depth answer to Question 1 on the Aura IQ Test:

What Does the Word "Aura" Mean?

Have you ever wondered, "What is keeping my body alive"? What energy gives life to my body with my first breath, and what energy will leave my body when I die?
Let us consider some fundamental questions. Obviously you have a physical body, which seems to run by itself: lungs breathe, food digests, and blood rushes through your veins. Yet what makes it breathe? What makes your heart tick continually? What keeps it running, like a clock, and what makes it stop? The answers to these questions seem elusive.

No medical doctor can tell you why, with a baby's first cry, the miracle of life begins, or why, with the last rasp of death, this same miracle comes to an end. Although a doctor can describe all the systems of your body and how they function, no one has unveiled the true secret of life.

However, as we look to the Far East, we can begin to unlock this mystery. The ancients of India and China discovered a precious, invisible, imperceptible substance that animates your body and, indeed, bestows life on the cosmos. This precious life essence, called prana, is that fundamental energy. In this book you will discover this pranic energy or life force, and you will learn how to strengthen that power in your life.
Your physical body is not the only body you inhabit. You also have a subtle body, consisting of several layers or sheaths. Your subtle body, which pervades and surrounds your physical body, is called your "energy field," or "aura." In the ancient Sanskrit language the root ar means "spoke of a wheel," indicating that the aura radiates from the body like the spokes of a wheel radiate from the hub.
The ancient Greek word avra means "breath of air" or "breeze"-the vital energy that breathes life into your being. So the subtle energy field, which permeates and envelops your body, is your auric field-a multifaceted, multidimensional sphere of immense light, power, and vitality.

The breath of air that gives you life also breathes life into the cosmos. Thus everything in the universe is filled and surrounded by auric fields that you can experience, measure, evaluate, cleanse, heal, restore, and strengthen.

This book will help you increase your own pranic energy and augment the energy in your surroundings through simple yet powerful methods that produce profound results instantaneously. Here you will not only discover auric fields. You will also cleanse and strengthen your own aura and the aura of others. Indeed, you will master the art of healing the energy field of your environment, home, workplace, city, nation-even your planet.

Are you ready to begin your adventure of exploring auras? Are you willing to become an inner-space explorer and discover who you really are? Are you ready to unearth mysterious realms of invisible, secret, unexplored places? Now is time to dive into the unknown depths of your heart and find the treasures buried within.

Let us get started now!

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From Best-selling Authors

"Exploring auras is a thought provoking, educational and amazing journey into the world of the human energy. The book is an intelligent source of information and teachings and I highly recommend it." --Uri Geller,

"Finally, a book on the subtle fields of energy that is well researched and demystified with practical techniques that can be used by anyone. Combines ancient and modern wisdom for a valuable contribution to the field of energy healing." --Anodea Judith, Ph.D., author of Wheels of Life, Eastern Body, Western Mind

"As a seasoned traveler on the spiritual path, I was struck by Susan's masterful blend of ancient truths and practices, supportive scientific research, case studies, and practical guidance. Her personal work as well as her expertise as a teacher shine through on every page. This highly informative volume is simple enough for the beginner, yet just as valuable for the seasoned travelers on the spiritual path. I recommend it highly." --Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D., Art Therapist, Trainer and Bestselling Author, The Creative Journal

"Exploring Auras is a truly enlightening book full of thought provoking ideas and techniques for health and empowerment. This well written book is a compilation of well researched facts integrated into a carefully woven tapestry to explain how we can heal ourselves. I highly recommend it." --Dr. Bruce Goldberg, author, Spirit Guide Contact Through Hypnosis

"In anything, no one can know the truth without firsthand experience. The truth can be known only when one can detach oneself from the small ego and see the experience for what it is. The author of this book has herself experienced the essential quality & soul of human and guides people to the world of soul and God within, revealing the practical methods learned through her own experience." --Hiroshi Motoyama, Ph.D., President, California Institute for Human Science (Graduate School)

From Reviewers

"Packed with so much vital information about auras and energy fields, simply reading the text of Exploring Auras will have you glowing. Introducing an amazing quantity of information about all aspects of the human energy field, Susan Shumsky's engagingly energetic, yet simple writing style makes the "contagious health" and "infectious virtue" of a vibrant aura accessible to everyone. Beginning with a discussion of prana, the life force in all matter that also creates your aura, Shumsky explains that prana is in constant fluctuation and can be gathered through breathing, eating, basking in the sunshine, and even making love. Your reserve supply of prana can be tapped anytime, whether you need to focus intently on a creative project or a complex problem, or when you strain to lift a heavy object (instinctively holding your breath to pull on your pranic supply.) Having studied for 22 years in the ashram of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (founder of Transcendental Meditation and guru of the Beatles and Deepak Chopra) and served on his personal staff for 7 years, Shumsky's bountiful knowledge blends concepts from Hinduism, Kabbalah, and Christian Science with scientific discoveries from around the world including photographs of "phantom leaves" and the 8Hz magnetic field of healer's hands. Putting this knowledge into practice, she details exercises for sensing auras and methods to evaluate and restore vitality to auric fields including affirmations, prayers, color and sound therapy, breath, movement, and the use of pendulums and dowsing rods. Shumsky doesn't shy away from the negative; instead she offers techniques to effectively deal with over-sensitivity and psychic hooks, heal and augment human and environmental energy fields, release attachments and addictions, and practice auric self-defense. Whether you need an energy gain or to stop a drain, Exploring Auras will have your colors shifting to a stronger light."--Alec Franklor, Spirit of Change magazine.

"Susan G. Shumsky's Exploring Auras: Cleansing And Strengthening Your Energy Field goes beyond most New Age discussions of auras and their identification to address how to improve one's aura and energy. If you wish more energy, clarity and peace through such a process and believe that healing an aura can release troubling vibrations and free psychic energy, then the instructional lessons of Exploring Auras empowers and is the book for you."--Midwest Book Review, Oregon, WI.

From Grateful Readers

"I have been reading Exploring Auras and working with the extra exercises around dowsing to clear and strengthen the aura / light body. I am definitely finding it helpful. I had been doing regular clearing and find that I still do / check that but it is much improved - between the strengthening exercises and being reminded to do something simple like drink water. Thank you. Enjoying the rest of the book too, but the aura clearing exercises are awesome." --Marg Hux, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

"I love your book EXPLORING AURAS. This book can do miracle healings...I have read different books on mind issues but to cut psychic ties, get rid of conflicts and clear the aura, there is no book like yours. I was quite intrigued by all the illustrations you have in your book Exploring Auras and all the psychic stuff that people can place in our aura. The negative thought-forms that these create and how to bring healing. People really don't know what they are missing by not getting your books. They are all awesome, I have all of them and even bought some for friends. I, particularly, love Exploring Auras. It is a treasure book."--Graciela Strayer, Dayton, Ohio

"Mutally helpful information. I found this book to be one of those rare combinations of both practical and theoretical information guides! It is certainly one of those books that one can use both immediately and as a reference text over and over. No doubt this author is an lovingly helper for many of us who are seeking information to help make choices in our lives. I am grateful that I have chosen to purchase this and would recommend it highly for others to do likewise."
--Y.B.C., Norway

"The most important book of its kind in a long time. I'm really blessed to have acquired this book. Not only does in discuss auras, but it provides essential prayers and meditations to help defuse negative forces and deepen connection with Spirit. I can't recommend it highly enough to spiritual seekers aiming to sustain their clarity in today's world."
--C. Cooke "jazzman," Omaha, NE

"This Book Is Amazing. I picked up Exploring Auras and could not put it down. There is no other book with this information anywhere. This book has everything any healing practitioner would need for their clients to heal and cleanse their energy field. Shumsky has obviously experienced all the anomalies in the auric field first-hand and has found easy, universal, repeatable ways to heal them. I highly recommend this book to help any psychic sponge or overly sensitive person to take control of their life. And to help any person who is plagued with problems originating in their own mind or in the environment. With this book anyone can heal the mind, body, and environment by working with the human energy field. I love the illustrations. They helped me understand many of my own experiences and those of my clients. I also loved Shumsky's other books, Exploring Chakras, Exploring Meditation, and Divine Revelation."--Emily Richardson, Dallas, Texas

"Wow ! This book is incredible !!!!!! This is probably Susan G. Shumsky's best book yet. It teaches dozens of incredibly effective healing affirmations and other techniques for cleansing the human energy field, as well as the mind, emotions, and environment. These methods are extremely effective, and results are instantaneous. Anyone who has trouble picking up undesirable energy from the environment will greatly benefit from this book. Also, the book teaches how to measure the energy field and how to increase its energy. As a person troubled with energy vampires, this book has been a Godsend for me, and I know it will also benefit you."
--Evangeline Campbell, Washington, DC

"Has anyone read anything by Susan Shumsky? She writes books on meditation, auras, chakras, etc. She's written quite a few. The books on auras and chakras are the best resources I've ever seen on these subjects. Her etheric anatomy is very precise, down to the actual vertebrea chakras reside in. She also gives info on many more nadis than the usual texts give out, and describes the precise process of kundalini development and other yogic matters. She also tells you how to do it. She has had an amazing life, meditating and maintaining silence in India and other places for many years. Apparently, she just travels around by herself in an old van giving lectures and workshops. Her books are reviewed by the very princes of the self-help movement like Deepak Chopra and John Gray. To be honest, this would put me off, but her books are exceptional. They are packed with important information and exercises, and there aren't many wasted words - you know, stories about friends who tried this or that, and lots of pointless testimonials."
--Anonymous Reader

"Great Book. The prayers in the book really help and bring about a very positive experience. I've always felt way too much and been very sensitive to everything. Psychic sponge pretty much. I feel more in control with the prayers and more in tune with taking care of myself."
--Wings 71

"Good information for lightworkers. For those of us in the healing arts this book is a wonderful addition to the knowledge we seek. I have read it more than once due to the information contained. Enjoy."
--Elizabeth Laliberte

"A Must Have Book. I found this very interesting as it goes into some history of healing and then moves into the discussion of energy in and round the body and how one can clear and rejuvinate yourself. There are explanations and exercises you can do to help yourself clear old thoughts and other people's energy stuck in your aura. The author makes ancient esoteric information easy to understand for the modern mind. A must have book to for daily living."
--C. Anderson

"I love this book. This is my favorite of all Susan Shumsky's books. I have for many years loved reading about spirituality and practiced reiki and some other energetic practices and yet found it difficult to really understand and experience spiritual energies and auras. This book arrived for me at a perfect stage in my journey and I have used the exercises to strengthen my ability to dowse, prayers to clear and strengthen my energetic field, and healing prayers of many kinds. A great history of the western world learning about spiritual energy also appeals to my 'need to know'. My copy is getting very worn and I am soon going to have to buy a new one. Thank you for this wonderful book."
--Marg Hux, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

"Mutually Helpful Information. I found this book to be one of those rare combinations of both practical and theoretical information guides!

It is certainly one of those books that one can use both immediately and as a reference text over and over.

No doubt this author is an lovingly helper for many of us who are seeking
information to help make choices in our lives.

I am grateful that I have chosen to purchase this and would recommend it highly for others to do likewise."
--Yellowbird C.

From Reviewers

"Packed with so much vital information about auras and energy fields, simply reading the text of Exploring Auras will have you glowing. Introducing an amazing quantity of information about all aspects of the human energy field, Susan Shumsky's engagingly energetic, yet simple writing style makes the 'contagious health' and 'infectious virtue' of a vibrant aura accessible to everyone. Beginning with a discussion of prana, the life force in all matter that also creates your aura, Shumsky explains that prana is in constant fluctuation and can be gathered through breathing, eating, basking in the sunshine, and even making love. Your reserve supply of prana can be tapped anytime, whether you need to focus intently on a creative project or a complex problem, or when you strain to lift a heavy object (instinctively holding your breath to pull on your pranic supply.) Having studied for 22 years in the ashram of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (founder of Transcendental Meditation and guru of the Beatles and Deepak Chopra) and served on his personal staff for 7 years, Shumsky's bountiful knowledge blends concepts from Hinduism, Kabbalah, and Christian Science with scientific discoveries from around the world including photographs of 'phantom leaves' and the 8Hz magnetic field of healer's hands. Putting this knowledge into practice, she details exercises for sensing auras and methods to evaluate and restore vitality to auric fields including affirmations, prayers, color and sound therapy, breath, movement, and the use of pendulums and dowsing rods. Shumsky doesn't shy away from the negative; instead she offers techniques to effectively deal with over-sensitivity and psychic hooks, heal and augment human and environmental energy fields, release attachments and addictions, and practice auric self-defense. Whether you need an energy gain or to stop a drain, Exploring Auras will have your colors shifting to a stronger light."--By Alec Franklor, Spirit of Change magazine.

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