Introduction to
2007 Tetons Retreats:
How to Pray and Get Results
The Miracle Power of Spiritual Healing
Aug. 20 to 27, 2007Here's what we will learn on our Teacher Training Course, Phase 1:
Intuitive Skills:
Listen to the "still small voice" of divine intuition within you.
- Receive messages and answers to practical questions from your inner voice.
- Learn how to be led by Spirit in everyday life.
- Attain genuine spiritual discernment.
- Awaken your inner genius.
- Use ten tests and safeguards to receive clear, precise intuition.
- Overcome psychic gullibility.
- Heal ego blockages that have prevented clear inner divine contact and communication.
- Receive divine messages from Spirit at will.
- Use inner "names" and "vibrational signals" to identify where messages are coming from.
- "Speak-through" messages from Spirit.
- Break through resistances and ego barriers.
- Become your own guru.
Prayer and Manifestation Skills:
- Discover your true purpose and path, and learn how to fulfill it.
- Use the power of prayer to heal yourself and others and to manifest your goals.
- Discover your true destiny and purpose.
- Dispel myths about karma.
- Understand the role of your subconscious mind.
- Distinguish between beliefs and convictions.
- Discern determinism vs. free will.
- Accept personal responsibility for your path
- Uncover your own "mental law" and "mental inhibitors," and overcome them through the law of grace.
- Use specific healing prayers to master the karmic law.
- Discover and use the law of grace.
- Learn principles of Scientific Prayer practiced by New Thought churches, such as Unity and Religious Science.
- Learn how to practice simple, step-by-step prayer techniques.
- Learn how to set practical goals.
- Learn techniques for visualizing positive results.
- Learn how to heal blockages preventing you from fulfilling your dreams.
Healing Skills:
- Learn and practice powerful methods of spiritual healing.
- Receive special, specific "Healing Signals" to help you identify what needs healing.
- Learn how to speak the Word of truth and heal in the Spirit.
- Use profound affirmations and prayers that can heal yourself and others.
- Transform your life through spiritual healing and self-protection.
- Practice seeing and feeling auras and other subtle energies.
- Measure, expand, and enhance your auric field.
- Heal yourself and others through the human energy field.
- Learn how color and sound can lift and expand your energy field.
- Use powerful healing affirmations to bring greater light into your aura.
- Use ancient breathing and movement methods to balance and clarify your energy field.
- Use muscle-testing and Intuitive Kinesiology methods to measure and heal your aura.
- Heal negative energies and blockages in your aura.
Professional Healing Skills:
- Learn and practice spiritual healing affirmations to facilitate healing in your clients.
- Learn and practice being a mystical hands-on healer.
- Learn and practice being a mystical platform speaker.
- Learn and practice conducting prayers for meetings.
- Learn and practice speaking-through spiritual messages from Spirit for groups.
- Learn and practice Scientific Prayer for yourself and others.
- Learn how to facilitate healing in your clients and patients.
- Learn how to heal the mind, body and emotions of your clients.
- Learn how to heal buildings, houses, and the workplace.
- Learn how to create harmony in the workplace.
- Learn how to heal businesses and work environments.
- Learn how to create harmony among workers in the workplace.
- Learn how to create harmony in the home.
- Learn how to create harmony in family relationships.
Mystical Skills:
- Trust Spirit and know the divine is always with you.
- Feel you are a child of Spirit, cradled in divine love.
- Come home again to the comfort and protection of divine Spirit.
- Become a master at meditation and intuition.
- Learn Yoga postures and Yoga breathing.
- Become your own guru.
- Pass through the seeming veil that has separated you from God.
- Experience the supernal light of the divine presence and Holy Spirit directly.
- See, hear and feel the holy presence through Divine Revelation.
- Sing-through and dance-through the Spirit.
- Enjoy divine grace flowing through you.
- Receive divine healing, love, wisdom, and inspiration.
- Be led by Spirit in your everyday life.
- Be lifted into the light of God's love.
- Directly experience divine grace and divine light.
- Have "Conversations with God."
- Participate in a miracle that involves using a table as a dowsing tool.
- Allow yourself to become a vehicle of Spirit.
- Empower yourself as a true channel for God.
- Experience the mystical contact of divine ecstasy.
- Receive God's healing words and messages.
- Allow yourself to be a temple of God.
- Allow your breath to breathe with the breath of God.
- Allow your heart to beat with the heart of God.
- Become the mystical vessel of the Christ that you were born to be.
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Monday, August 20, 2007Anytime after 3:00 p.m.: Check-in: The Inn at Jackson Hole, 3345 Village Drive, Teton Village, WY 83025, Phone: 307-733-2311, Fax: 307-733-0844, Anytime: Free time to rest, relax, and enjoy the pool, spa, and other amenities at the hotel. Lunch or dinner available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). Where We Will Meet (First meeting 8:00 to 9:30 pm): Unless otherwise specified, all meetings will take place in the Vertical Meeting Room. If weather permits, afternoon classes will be held outdoors in Teton National Park. ![]()
Workshop: "UNDERSTANDING DIVINE REVELATION." Anyone can experience the divine. This sublime experience is not just reserved for saints or prophets. You are all divine beings of power, energy, wisdom, and strength. Realize your true inner strength and discover the joy of your inner being. During this entertaining workshop, Dr. Shumsky will inspire you to listen to the "still small voice" within and to have direct "conversations with God." She will reveal how miracles have taken place in her life by trusting that divine voice and how everyone else can too. She will explain what we will experience this week, logistics of the retreat, and how we can make the most of our time here. Also, we will introduce ourselves and share experiences of our pre-class homework assignment. 9:30 p.m. onward: Meet in Pool and Spa for relaxation and integration of spiritual experiences. ![]() |
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
7:00 to 8:00 a.m.: Yoga asanas and Yoga breathing at hotel in our meeting room. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m: Workshop: "HOW TO HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD": Deep within the heart of every soul is the desire to experience and communicate directly with God. In fact, the divine presence is not the exclusive property of great saints, sages, and holy men. Everyone is a child of God and worthy to receive the blessings of Spirit.
During this powerful, amazing workshop, you will experience a guided meditation and profound breakthrough to Spirit. Experience your higher self and realize the truth of your being. Receive inner names, inner signals, and receive messages from your own inner voice, visions, and feelings. Dr. Susan will introduce proven techniques for opening your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact. She will lead you in a guided meditation, conducted by the Holy Spirit, which will open the pipeline to Spirit and begin the flow of divine guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from the center of being within. In this awe-inspiring, special breakthrough meditation, you will:
![]() 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Walk in nature and enjoy the surroundings. ![]() 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Workshop: "SPIRITUAL HEALING AND SELF-PROTECTION": Do you want to transform yourself and others through the power of affirmation and prayer? Because on this powerful, life-enhancing narrated PowerPoint Slide Show and workshop, Dr. Susan will present proven methods of spiritual healing that you can use right now to heal your mind, body, and emotions, and to heal your loved ones or clients.
And much, much more! Renew your mind and rejuvenate your body with powerful techniques of healing. ![]() 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Workshop: "GUIDED DIVINE REVELATION MEDITATION" Dr. Susan Shumsky will guide the group into a deep, profound meditation for the purpose of contacting the Divine Spirit directly and listening to the "still small voice" of God within. ![]() 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.: Dinner available in hotel or in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 7:00 to 9:30 p.m.: Workshop: "SENSING AURAS AND SUBTLE ENERGIES": Do you want to learn how to sense and see auras? Do you want to heal and lift the vibrations of your energy field? Do you want to increase your charisma and become more influential? Because in this amazing, life-transforming workshop, Dr. Susan will facilitate a powerful spiritual awakening as you expand and heal your auric field. On this workshop and PowerPoint presentation, you will now:
![]() 9:30 to 10:00 p.m.: "CELEBRATION OF SPIRIT": The evening will conclude with music and merriment. Bring your musical instruments, such as rattles, tambourines, bells, drums, triangles, and autoharps. 10:00 p.m. onward: Meet in Pool and Spa for relaxation and integration of spiritual experiences. ![]() |
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
7:00 to 8:00 a.m.: Yoga asanas and Yoga breathing at hotel in our meeting room. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m: Workshop: "BREAKTHROUGH TO SPIRIT": Allow Spirit to touch your heart in a profound way. In this amazing guided meditative experience, you will be led into a deep state of higher consciousness. Enjoy a guided meditation and deep experiences of your higher self. Experience the presence of God at the core of your being. Learn to speak-through divine messages from Spirit and experience the impersonal and personal aspects of divinity within you. Enjoy God's grace and your own immortal body of pure light. Receive specific inner names and vibrational body signals that will help you identify the specific aspects of God that you are contacting. On this workshop you will learn proven techniques to open your heart, mind, and spirit to the riches of inner divine contact:
![]() ![]() 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Walk in nature and enjoy the surroundings. ![]() ![]() 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Workshop: "BECOMING "SPIRITUALLY STREET-SMART" Do you sometimes get confused when you try to receive intuition? How do you know whether the message is the real thing? Now many people are opening to the inner world-contacting guides, angels, and other beings. But opening up indiscriminately is like inviting strangers into your home. In this entertaining, revealing narrated PowerPoint Slide Show and workshop you now learn how to distinguish between the true divine voice and whatever else is in your mind.
This workshop will help you:
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Workshop: "GUIDED DIVINE REVELATION MEDITATION" Dr. Susan Shumsky will guide the group into a deep, profound meditation for the purpose of contacting the Divine Spirit directly and listening to the "still small voice" of God within. ![]() ![]() 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.: Dinner available in hotel or in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). ![]() 7:00 to 9:30
BOARDS" On this fun, playful, life-transforming workshop, you will learn how to use a powerful method of visualization to help you achieve and fulfill your positive goals, dreams, and desires. This method involves using art and crafts to create visual pictures, collages, and maps that you can place on poster board, foam board, into a binder, scrapbook, or journal, onto your computer's desktop, hung from a string, tacked to a bulletin board, into a special box, or even taped to a mirror or magnetized to a refrigerator door. Looking at these pictures daily and reading the affirmations will create conscious and subconscious impressions that help you fulfill your destiny and manifest your heartfelt dreams and desires. On this workshop you now:
![]() ![]() 9:30 to 10:00 p.m.: "CELEBRATION OF SPIRIT": The evening will conclude with music and merriment. Bring your musical instruments, such as rattles, tambourines, bells, drums, triangles, and autoharps. 10:00 p.m. onward: Meet in Pool and Spa for relaxation and integration of spiritual experiences. ![]() |
Thursday, August 23, 2007
7:00 to 8:00 a.m.: Yoga asanas and Yoga breathing at hotel in our meeting room. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m: Workshop: "BREAKTHROUGH TO HEALING": Guided meditation and deep experiences of your higher self. Experience the divine Spirit within you. Receive messages and clearly and precisely speak-through from the Holy Spirit and aspects of your higher self. Receive special, specific "Healing Signals" that will help you identify what specific healings are needed in any given situation. On this workshop, you will now:
12:00 noon: Hotel check-out time for weekend guests. ![]() 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Walk in nature and enjoy the surroundings. ![]() 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Workshop: "OVERCOMING KARMIC LAW THROUGH GRACE":
During this workshop you will now:
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Workshop: "GUIDED DIVINE REVELATION MEDITATION" Dr. Susan Shumsky will guide the group into a deep, profound meditation for the purpose of contacting the Divine Spirit directly and listening to the "still small voice" of God within. 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.: Dinner available in hotel or in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 7:00 to 9:30 p.m.: Workshop: "CLEANSING THE HUMAN ENERGY FIELD": In this fun,
lively, entertaining workshop, you will practice various methods
for developing your spiritual 9:30 to 10:00 p.m.: "CELEBRATION OF SPIRIT": The evening will conclude with music and merriment. Bring your musical instruments, such as rattles, tambourines, bells, drums, triangles, and autoharps. ![]() 10:00 p.m. onward: Meet in Pool and Spa for relaxation and integration of spiritual experiences. |
Friday, August 24, 2007
8:00 to 9:00 a.m.: Yoga asanas and Yoga breathing at hotel in our meeting room. 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m: Workshop: "SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE": Allow Spirit to touch your heart in a profound way. In this amazing guided meditative experience and group spiritual counseling practice, you will be led into a deep state of higher consciousness. Then Dr. Susan will ask the Holy Spirit to give divine messages to the group. You will have the opportunity to ask personal questions, to receive divine wisdom and direction, to receive healing and prayer therapy, to heal charged emotions, relationships, and phobias, to receive past life regression, to communicate with departed loved ones, or to experience a breakthrough to Spirit. Messages from the Holy Spirit will lift your spirit and heal you on a very profound level. This session is conducted by the Holy Spirit.
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Walk in nature and enjoy the surroundings. ![]() 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.: Workshop: "SCIENTIFIC PRAYER, Part 1"
On this narrated slide show and workshop you will:
![]() 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Workshop: "GUIDED DIVINE REVELATION MEDITATION" Dr. Susan Shumsky will guide the group into a deep, profound meditation for the purpose of contacting the Divine Spirit directly and listening to the "still small voice" of God within. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.: Dinner available in hotel or in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). ![]() 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.: Workshop: "SCIENTIFIC PRAYER, Part 2" : During this hands-on intensive training, you will continue to learn how to use a practical, 9-step Scientific Prayer method for practicing Spiritual Mind Treatment to achieve your goals: 1) Request: goal. 2) Recognition: glorification. 3) Rapport: unification. 4) Resolution: claim. 5) Renewal: healing. 6) Realization: conviction. 7) Reward: gratitude. 8) Release: letting go. 9) Repose: silence. With this technique you will heal blockages that prevent you from fulfilling desires. Now you will learn to pray for yourself and others through the powerful practice of Spiritual Mind Treatment. Write your own prayers and share with the group. Enjoy the support and love of other course participants when you read your prayers aloud. ![]() 9:30 to 10:00 p.m.: "CELEBRATION OF SPIRIT": The evening will conclude with music and merriment. Bring your musical instruments, such as rattles, tambourines, bells, drums, triangles, and autoharps. 10:00 p.m. onward: Meet in Pool and Spa for relaxation and integration of spiritual experiences. ![]() ![]() |
Saturday, August 25, 2007
8:00 to 9:00 a.m.: Yoga asanas and Yoga breathing at hotel in our meeting room. 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m: Workshop: "HEALING POWER OF YOUR WORD": Guided meditation and deep experiences of your higher self. Group table-tipping demonstration and practice. Enjoy God's grace and your own ascended body of pure light. Spirit is in charge of the session and will lead us on adventures into inner space. Speaking-through and lifting consciousness through the ecstatic expressions of God.
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). ![]() 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Walk in nature and enjoy the surroundings. 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.: Workshop: "DEALING WITH MENTAL INHIBITORS": Now that you understand how your mental law creates your reality, you will now begin to deal with your own mental law and transform it. Since you are 100 percent responsible for your own destiny, you have the power to create miracles in your life through conscious choice. On this workshop, you will begin to heal those mental inhibitors that prevent you from fulfilling that purpose. On this workshop, you will:
Dr. Susan Shumsky will guide the group into a deep, profound meditation for the purpose of contacting the Divine Spirit directly and listening to the "still small voice" of God within. Then she will lead a Scientific Prayer Circle. In this circle, the participants will pray for themselves and for others, as they receive their prayers by listening to and trusting the "still small voice" of God within. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.: Dinner available in hotel or in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.: Workshop: "SCIENTIFIC PRAYER, Part 3": During this hands-on intensive training and discussion, you will continue to learn how to use and practice the powerful Scientific Prayer method. You will compose your own Scientific Prayers, and you will learn the importance of specific methods of wording in the Scientific Prayer formula. As you write your prayers, Dr. Susan will help you use the most effective, positive, affirmative, results-oriented wording. 9:30 to 10:00 p.m.: "CELEBRATION OF SPIRIT": The evening will conclude with music and merriment. Bring your musical instruments, such as rattles, tambourines, bells, drums, triangles, and autoharps. 10:00 p.m. onward: Meet in Pool and Spa for relaxation and integration of spiritual experiences. ![]() |
Sunday, August 26, 2007:
8:00 to 9:00 a.m.: Yoga asanas and Yoga breathing at hotel in our meeting room. 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m: Guided meditation and table-tipping practice. Become a master at receiving messages from Spirit. Use your divine inner contact to speak from Spirit and to practice hands-on healing and to speak-through messages while giving a speech to the group. On this workshop, you will now:
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Walk in nature and enjoy the surroundings. 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Workshop: "LEADING PRAYER CIRCLES" Dr. Susan Shumsky will guide the group into a deep, profound meditation for the purpose of contacting the Divine Spirit directly and listening to the "still small voice" of God within. Then there will be a Scientific Prayer Circle, in which you will get practical training for conducting weekly prayer circles in your local area. You will practice a prayer circle in a group, and you will learn how to lead the circle yourself. You will also learn how to start every class or circle with a brief opening meditation with a particular theme that is received from the "still small voice" of God within. 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.: Free time. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.: Special Farewell Banquet in hotel restaurant (included in price of retreat). ![]() 8:30 to 10:00 p.m.: "CELEBRATION OF SPIRIT" Experience a very special, profound guided meditation. Speak-through powerful messages from Spirit. Then celebrate the Spirit through music. Play-through music on musical instruments that you have brought. Dance-through the Spirit and revel in divine love and light. 10:00 p.m. onward: Meet in Pool and Spa for relaxation and integration of spiritual experiences. ![]() |
Monday, August 27, 2007
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m: Workshop: "FAREWELL MEDITATION" Experience a very special, profound farewell guided meditation. Speak-through powerful messages from Spirit and experience the divine nature of your inner being. God is in charge of this session, and will guide us into profound, mystical experiences of our true nature of Being. During this meditation, you will now:
![]() 12:00 noon: End of Seminar. Check out and travel home, or stay for Teacher Training, Phase 2, beginning tonight. ![]() |
Prayer Therapy
Training and Licensing
Aug. 27 to Sept. 3, 2007Here's what we will learn
on our Teacher Training Course, Phase 2:This course is designed to prepare students for professional practice as Prayer Therapists. Also, to give students not interested in preparing for professional work advanced methods for spiritual mind healing and opportunity for further development of self awareness and sensitivity. At the successful completion of this course, along with field work and a thesis, the "Degree of Prayer Therapist" is awarded. Upon completion of additional field work and testimonials, the "Prayer Therapist License" is awarded.
Part 1:
- Sustaining the Health Consciousness.
Indirect counseling.- The Law of Mind in Action.
The Personal Factor - Self-Authority.- Financial Health.
Deep Meditation Control.- The Prayer Therapist as Leader and Teacher.
Controlling Subjective Life: Religious Experience.- Spiritual Marriage and Sex.
Normalcy and Non-Judgment.- Handling Chronic Cases.
Dissolving Physical Frustration.- Addiction, Alocoholism and Drugs.
Mental and Astral Healing.Part 2:
- History of Healing Practice.
Bible Reference.- Family Relationships.
Incarnation of Spirit.
Guidance of Youth.- Spiritualizing Business and Work.
Healing Human Relationships.- Vital Energy.
Physical Perfection.- How Permanent is Spiritual Healing?
Healing in the Christ Consciousness.- Prayer Therapy Ethics and Fees.
Dedication of Prayer Therapist.- Consecration of the Ministry of Prayer.
DIVINE TRAVELS TOURS & RETREATS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Introduction to
2007 Tetons Retreats:
Monday, August 27, 2007: FULL MOON AND LUNAR ECLIPSE
Check-in: The Inn at Jackson Hole, 3345 Village Drive, Teton Village, WY 83025, Phone: 307-733-2311, Fax: 307-733-0844, Anytime: Free time to rest, relax, and enjoy the pool, spa, and other amenities at the hotel. Lunch and dinner available at hotel or in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). Where We Will Meet (First meeting 8:00 to 9:30 pm): Unless otherwise specified, all meetings will take place in the Vertical Meeting Room. If weather permits, some classes might be held outdoors. 8:00 to 9:30 p.m: 1. Orientation, Logistics, and Introduction to Our Retreat: Dr. Susan Shumsky
![]() 9:30 to 10:00 p.m.: "FULL MOON AND LUNAR ECLIPSE CELEBRATION" (Outdoors, if weather permits): The evening will conclude with music and merriment. Bring your musical instruments, such as rattles, tambourines, bells, drums, triangles, and autoharps. The total lunar eclipse will occur from 3:52 to 5:22 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time, if you want to watch it. 10:00 p.m. onward: Meet in Pool and Spa for relaxation and integration of spiritual experiences. ![]() ![]() |
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
7:00 to 8:00 a.m.: Yoga asanas and Yoga breathing at hotel in our meeting room. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m: Workshop: "PRAYER THERAPY AND SELF-AUTHORITY" Rev. Rian Leichter and Dr. Susan Shumsky.
![]() 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Walk in nature and enjoy the surroundings.
4:00 to 5:00 p.m.: Prayer Treatment Circle Led by Rev. Rian Leichter. ![]() 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.: Dinner available in hotel or in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 7:00 to 9:30 p.m.: Workshop: "PRAYER THERAPY: HANDLING CHRONIC PROBLEMS" Rev. Rian Leichter and Dr. Susan Shumsky.
9:30 to 10:00 p.m.: "CELEBRATION OF SPIRIT": The evening will conclude with music and merriment. Bring your musical instruments, such as rattles, tambourines, bells, drums, triangles, and autoharps. 10:00 p.m. onward: Meet in Pool and Spa for relaxation and integration of spiritual experiences. ![]() |
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
7:00 to 8:00 a.m.: Yoga asanas and Yoga breathing at hotel in our meeting room. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Workshop: "PRAYER THERAPY: HANDLING ADDICTION AND POSSESSION. " Rev. Rian Leichter and Dr. Susan Shumsky.
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Walk in nature and enjoy the surroundings. ![]() 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Workshop: "PRAYER THERAPY: HEALING AND VISUALIZATION" Rev. Rian Leichter and Dr. Susan Shumsky.
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Visualization Circle led by Rev. Rian Leichter. ![]()
7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.: Workshop: "PRAYER THERAPY: HEALING THE HOME AND WORKPLACE" Rev. Rian Leichter and Dr. Susan Shumsky.
9:30 to 10:00 p.m.: "CELEBRATION OF SPIRIT": The evening will conclude with music and merriment. Bring your musical instruments, such as rattles, tambourines, bells, drums, triangles, and autoharps. 10:00 p.m. onward: Meet in Pool and Spa for relaxation and integration of spiritual experiences. ![]() |
Thursday, August 30, 2007
7:00 to 8:00 a.m.: Yoga asanas and Yoga breathing at hotel in our meeting room. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m: Workshop: "PRAYER THERAPY: HEALING IN THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS" Rev. Rian Leichter and Dr. Susan Shumsky.
![]() 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Walk in nature and enjoy the surroundings. 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Workshop: "PRAYER THERAPY TEST" Rev. Rian Leichter and Dr. Susan Shumsky.
5:00 to 7:00 p.m.: Dinner available in hotel or in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 7:00 to 9:30 p.m.: Workshop: "PRAYER THERAPY: PRACTICE WITH PARTNERS"
9:30 to 10:00 p.m.: "CELEBRATION OF SPIRIT": The evening will conclude with music and merriment. Bring your musical instruments, such as rattles, tambourines, bells, drums, triangles, and autoharps. 10:00 p.m. onward: Meet in Pool and Spa for relaxation and integration of spiritual experiences. ![]() |
From 7:00 a.m.: Breakfast available in hotel restaurant or at a nearby restaurant within walking distance (not included in price of retreat). 7:00 to 8:00 a.m.: Yoga asanas and Yoga breathing at hotel in our meeting room. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m: Workshop: "PROFESSIONAL PRAYER THERAPY PRACTICE. " Rev. Rian Leichter and Dr. Susan Shumsky.
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat).
1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Workshop: "TRAINING FOR SEMINAR ASSISTANCE" Rev. Rian Leichter and Dr. Susan Shumsky.
4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Deep Meditation and Speaking-Through Led by Dr. Susan Shumsky. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.: Dinner available in hotel or in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). IMPORTANT: ![]() |
DIVINE TRAVELS TOURS & RETREATS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Introduction to
2007 Tetons Retreats:
Saturday, Sept. 1, 2007 From 7:00 a.m.: Breakfast available in hotel restaurant (not included in price of retreat). 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. in Vertical Meeting Room: Yoga Master - Rev. Dr. Akasha Noelle - Transform Your Body into "The Exalted State" - bring your yoga mats or blankets. 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. in Vertical Meeting Room: Healing Prayer Circle for yourself or loved ones. - led by Rev. Rian Leichter, Jo Ellen Dunn, Angela Congdon, and other students participating in the Teacher Training Course, Phase 2. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon: Morning Theme: Becoming the "The Exalted State."
"The Spiritual Tool Kit"
12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Bring a picnic lunch and, weather permitting, meet in Teton National Park. If weather does not permit, then free time to eat wherever you want. 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.: Those who want counseling, healing, or private inner contact experiences can stay in hotel and get private sessions with Prayer Therapists, Leaders, and Ministers by appointment. Fee: $100 for 2 inner Christ counselors, $75 for healing session. ![]()
Through Client Centered Therapy, Dr. Akasha Noelle will instruct Prayer Therapy students in this therapy technique using volunteers from the weekend seminar that would like to experience this powerful healing method. The student prayer therapist will lead their volunteer client in meditation though guidance from their inner divinity to a realization of perfection and healing on the seeming problem addressed. This will be followed by a deep meditation where the prayer therapist will speak the word for their clients' good very good perfection now & better. Prayer Therapy Student will receive credit toward their Prayer Therapy License.
Years ago, after that TIC seminar, Holy Spirit suggested to me that I live as if I had already ascended, hence my interest in it. I read all I could find about it so I that I could create a "realistic" possible context for myself as to what it's like. Because of that, I can recognize the "symptoms" when they show up. I know reading isn't doing, but it has helped me. Without a context for it, it was still just a concept, but with it, I can now recognize the feeling when I'm in it. I'd like to create a context for others as to what it's like, and have a forum discussion on the topic. I will open by sharing my own thoughts about ascension, including my belief about how our context influences and limits our experiences. I will share what my life has been like since attending Dr. Susan Shumsky's two Divine Revelation week-long seminars at Shasta and my experiences there in Joanna Cherry's workshop/meditation on ascension. Then I will ask people to share their experiences and thoughts about this topic in their own lives. 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (In Teton National Park, if weather permits, or in Vertical Meeting Room): Workshop: "The Beam." We are very lucky and blessed to enjoy a special presentation by Richard Rowe, a beautiful divine, ascended being from New Zealand. He will share his first-hand experiences of ascension and explain how you can achieve ascension yourself through a very simple attitude and practice. Richard will then guide us into a powerful meditation called "The Beam."
4:40 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (In Teton National Park, if weather permits, or in Suite): Workshop: "Blessings through The Exalted State" with Rev. Gaelia Babineau. Have you been hearing that water being blessed changes its vibration and intent? Have you noticed that when you bless your food, it seems to taste better? Or when you bless a person that you and the person feels better? Through this workshop, you can learn how blessing can enhance your daily living and the environment you live in. ![]() 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. OPTIONAL: Free time to explore town, enjoy hotel amenities, hike in Teton National Park. Those who want counseling, healing, or private inner contact experiences can stay in hotel and get private sessions with Prayer Therapists, Leaders, and Ministers by appointment. Fee: $100 for 2 inner Christ counselors, $75 for healing session. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.: Dinner available in hotel or in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat).
Hear legends of the Tetons, Mount Shasta, and the Masters of the Far East. Discover youthing, physical immortality, reversing aging, and ascension as a possibility for every human being on earth. Transform your DNA from aging to youthing. Break the genetic chains that bind you to death. Stop the death hormone and invoke the life hormone. Joanna will lead us through a guided meditation where we will enter into the ascended master retreat inside the Tetons. Here is what we will experience: The Grand Tetons, specifically Mt. Moran, is the site of the greatest ascended master retreat in the United States. (Mt. Shasta, while an important retreat, has a bit less activity.) We can become, through meditation and intended bi-location, actually present inside an Ascended Master retreat. We can then experience the dazzling beauty of this etheric realm in the Tetons, see ourselves as the true masters we are, and receive beautiful spiritual gifts from particular masters. These may include:
Between the ascension meditation which leads us into the retreat, and our experiences in the retreat itself, we may find ourselves changed and blessed in new and wonderful ways. Sharing your Ascended "Exalted State" experiences -
9:45 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in Vertical Meeting Room: Ascended Master Decrees from Godfre Ray King's writings. 10:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. in Vertical Meeting Room: Celebrate "The Exalted State" through Sound- words can get in the way. So we will awaken "The Exalted State" within though singing, toning, mantras, chanting, bells, and musical instruments. Divine love, light, lifting, and healing occurs through the vibrational energies of sound. Bring your musical instruments, such as drums, bells, tambourines, rattles, flutes, brass bowls, and didgeridoo. ![]() 10:15 p.m. onward in Hot Tub at Hotel Spa, OPTIONAL: for hotel guests only: Relax and integrate "The Exalted State" into your being. ![]() |
Sunday, Sept. 2, 2007
8:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. in Vertical Meeting Room: "Accepting the Exalted State" - Workshop: Body of the "Exalted State" - Dr. Akasha Noelle will lead us in an experience of Yoga: its foundations, teachings and experience of body, mind and spirit merged as the one being that we are. Starting with relaxing the body releasing all cellular memories of tension or disease and continuing into the mind releasing any tension, worry or fear. The Yoga experience will be followed by a deep meditation where in a perfectly relax state of body, mind and spirit we are merged with the "Exalted State" that we are. 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon: Morning Theme: Realizing "The Exalted State." 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in Vertical Meeting Room: Workshop: "Experiencing and Expressing The Exalted State" with Dr. Susan Shumsky. Through profound contact with our inner divinity in deep meditation, we will call upon our inner divinity to express through us the perfect creative expression. In our meditation circle, each person will have a chance to speak-through divine messages from the "still small voice" of God within. 11:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in Vertical Meeting Room: Workshop: "The Beam." We are very lucky and blessed to enjoy a special presentation by Richard Rowe, a beautiful divine, ascended being from New Zealand. He will share his first-hand experiences of ascension and explain how you can achieve ascension yourself through a very simple attitude and practice. Richard will then guide us into a powerful meditation called "The Beam." 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m.: Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). ![]()
Proven scientific New-Thought prayer methods, which have created miracles in the lives of millions of people, can help you fulfill positive goals. Use the power of your Word to take charge of your destiny and manifest all that you want to achieve. Now you can pray for yourself and others through the powerful practice of Spiritual Mind Treatment. During this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to use a practical, 5-step method for practicing Spiritual Mind Treatment to achieve your goals: 1.
Recognition. In this powerful workshop you will:
3:40 p.m. to
5:00 p.m. (in Teton National Park, if weather permits, or in
Suite): "Affirmations, Self-Talk and Increasing Intuitive
Awareness" with Hub Thompson 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. OPTIONAL: Free Time to explore town, enjoy hotel amenities, hike in Teton National Park. Those who want counseling, healing, or private inner contact experiences can stay in hotel and get private sessions with Prayer Therapists, Leaders, and Ministers by appointment. Fee: $100 for 2 inner Christ counselors, $75 for healing session. ![]() 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.: Dinner available in hotel or in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat).
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Vertical Meeting Room:
8:45 p.m. to 10:00 pm in Vertical Meeting Room: Love Power Circle. Profound deep meditation and speaking - through experience in "The Exalted State." Led by Rev. Rian Leichter:
10:00 p.m. onward in Hot Tub at Hotel Spa, OPTIONAL: for hotel guests only: Relax and integrate "The Exalted State" into your being. ![]() ![]() |
Monday, Sept. 3, 2007
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.: Pack and get ready to leave. 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in Vertical Meeting Room: Workshop: Walking "The Path of The Exalted State" - Speaking the Word for ourselves and others Prayer Circle led by Rev. Rian Leichter. Receiving the gift of "The Exalted State" generates the desire for it to be released out into the universe. As beings of Love and Light, we are the conduits of the "The Exalted State" and are encouraged by spirit to share this gift with the world. "The Exalted State" raises the vibration of the earth into the realm of Ascension of all and results in peace and harmony on Earth and beyond. Seeing the Divine Center in every person/aspect of your space in every precious moment. -
Insights and useful ideas on how to start and format a Group in your area:
Goodbyes from those leaving after the weekend retreat - All 12:00 noon: Hotel check-out time for weekend guests at Best Western Hotel. ![]() 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m.: Lunch available in nearby restaurant within walking distance from hotel (not included in price of retreat). 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Optional Trek on Cascade Canyon Trail to the spiritual vortex of the energizing, enriching, refreshing, rejuvenating energy of Hidden Falls. Or, if you are not up to taking the trek, then take the Ferry Boat across Jenny Lake and meet us at Hidden Falls. This beautiful waterfall is on the west side of Jenny Lake. ![]() ![]() |
Here is how students have described our Retreats:
"It's very difficult for me to put in words the wonderful experiences I had at Mount Shasta. What I learnt here was way beyond what I expected. I have been studying Vedanta for over 30 years. I have attended innumerable spiritual retreats over the years, but what I have learnt with Dr. Susan Shumsky is much more.
For me, all the saints appeared so unapproachable and spiritually inaccessible that I never even thought that I could ever have any personal contact with them. Through teaching me the process of "breakthrough," Susan made that impossibility into a divine possibility. Now I know how to get nearer to my goal of self-realization than I ever thought possible.
Susan's incredible energy, devotion, and clarity of her dissemination of the subject matter was a joy to behold. Each and every day was intense, joyful and unforgettable. There were breakthough sessions, meditations, and excursions to Mount Shasta and surrounding areas. It was indeed a divine and unforgettable experience in a divinely inspiring location. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Susan and her course leaders for this wonderful event."
--Baldev Gambhir, Ontario, Canada.
"Joanna Cherry in her book Self Initiations defines spiritual initiation as a change of mind and heart, a significant step in spiritual expansion; an expansion of consciousness from inner experience. That said I can write without any doubt, that this seminar was filled with initiations for me. This seminar was a fascinator of giant leaps in my spiritual growth.
There were many highlights for me:
-Joanna Cherry and Richard Rowe sharing their stories.
-Susan speaking though Jesus' message to me.
-Light appearing in my room one night.
-Levitation.The major outcome for me during this retreat was a clear call to me from Divine Guidance that it is time for me to acknowledge that THE reason I am here on earth this time around is to LIVE my oneness with God. Somehow all the experiences mentioned above and newly gained knowledge about Ascended Masters have been very empowering and key for me to come to a new level of personal acceptance. I feel that the seminar was instrumental in helping me realize that all the help that I will ever need to transition from doing the 'human thing' to the 'ascended thing' is available through those I attract in my outer world, as well as the Masters of the inner world."
--Anita Carfagno, Ohio.
"This seminar experience is priceless.
"And for the Teton Retreat, There's Mastercharge."
--Rev. Rian Leichter, Northern California.
"I received tools for Practical Application of Self Expression in everyday life--and continuing evidence of dynamic results.
Instant gratification--on the level of 'Knowing.'
Huge validation, confirmation, and inspiration."
--PJ Worley, Northern California.
"Many of the sessions were so intense and productive of deep spiritual states and learning. The session with Joanna Cherry the second night was the peak experience of my life so far. I experienced my higher self floating in the air above my head and then I became my higher self. Later when we visited the I AM bookstore, I saw the same image on the cover of one of the pamphlets there. I had some wonderful morning meditations in my room, and Susan let me lead a guided meditation based on one of them that focused on merging with the etheric body of light. I observed the participants changing during the week, starting out with tense, troubled faces, which relaxed during the week and changed into soft, peaceful, beautiful faces.
Susan was her usual gracious and wise leader (this was my third seminar with her). She has an intuitive grasp of how to guide the group into profound experiences. And the location at Mount Shasta is very much part of what happens there because of the self-evident power that permeates the area. I was overwhelmed by the intense realization of my oneness with all humanity, deeper and more real and more moving than ever before. SO MUCH LOVE! I've been experiencing new depths in my meditations. I'm sure it's because of the power of Mount Shasta."
--Albert Marsh, Southern California.
"Great learning experience! Most important was building my confidence in establishing signals and inner contacts. This was done through multiple/ daily meditation sessions. I believe this was very helpful to me. I like the variety of teachers. There was a lot of information, but I liked it! I could pick and choose what I wanted/ needed and the others could do the same. Also, in a personal session with Rian, he helped me find solutions to my issues rather than "fixed" them for me. This helped build confidence in my ability to resolve my own problems--that I really have what i need to find my own answers--not to depend upon others. This was very important for me. They gave me the tools and took this opportunity to have me use the tools so I could gain experience and confidence in myself. All the teachers were effective at conveying the information. Richard was fantastic! So was Joanna Cherry. They came in and presented their information effectively. Very profound."
--Marilyn Wagner, Washington.
"I was very impressed with the organization and execution of the seminars. I was completely supported with my spiritual needs. I loved the people I met and have been inspired to continue my path.
It was interesting that in my casual conversation when i found myself speaking the "old" way, people would correct each other and reinforce our "new" way of looking and speaking our Divine intentions."
--Christine Hay, Northern California.
"Meeting all of the teachers and people. The special energy of the mountain and the incredible beauty. The energy in the meditation. All of these things made this a unique and beautiful seminar."
--Clair Bryner, Nevada.
Teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics, Inc. Yearly Seminar
"Path of the Exalted State"
Divine Revelation Ascended Master Retreat
August 31 to September 3: Labor Day Weekend
(open to the public-no prerequisites necessary)1. The first option below is to pay just the course fee with "no accommodations." This gets you a seat in the seminar. When you choose this option, you are responsible to find your own place to stay.
2. The second option below is to pay the course fee plus accommodations for 3 nights in a room that you will share with another person. This is called "shared room."
3. The third option below is to pay the course fee plus accommodations for 3 nights in your own private room that you will not share with anyone else. This is called "single room."
3-Night Options, per person:
No Accommodations, per person:
($100 non-refundable deposit per person for a reservation.)$699 per person, if fully paid before August 15, 2007.
$749 per person, if fully paid after August 15, 2007.FREE 3-day seminar without accommodations, if you refer 3 or more full-paying participants who have never attended a TIM Seminar before.
Special Regenesis Program: TIM/TIC licensed Ministers, Leader/Teachers, and Prayer Therapists only: FREE 3-day seminar without accommodations, if you refer 1 or more full-paying participants who have never attended a TIM Seminar before.
Shared room fees, per person:
($200 non-refundable deposit per person for a reservation.)$899 per person, if fully paid before August 15, 2007.
$929 per person, if fully paid after August 15, 2007.Special Regenesis Program: TIM/TIC licensed Ministers, Leader/Teachers, and Prayer Therapists only: FREE 3-day seminar, including shared accommodations, if you refer 3 or more full-paying participants who have never attended a TIM Seminar before.
Special Regenesis Program: TIM/TIC licensed Ministers, Leader/Teachers, and Prayer Therapists only: FREE 3-day seminar, including shared accommodations, if you refer 1 or more full-paying participants to the Teacher Training Course, Phase 1 or 2.
Single room fee:
($300 non-refundable deposit for a reservation.)$1099 per person, if fully paid before August 15, 2007.
$1149 per person, if fully paid after August 15, 2007.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Space on the Tetons Retreats is VERY LIMITED!
Click here to register now on a secure server.
Teacher Training Course, Phase 1:
Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer
August 20 to 27, 2007
(open to the public-no prerequisites necessary)1. The first option below is to pay just the course fee with "no accommodations." This gets you a seat in the seminar. When you choose this option, you are responsible to find your own place to stay.
2. The second option below is to pay the course fee plus accommodations for 7 nights in a room that you will share with another person. This is called "shared room."
3. The third option below is to pay the course fee plus accommodations for 7 nights in your own private room that you will not share with anyone else. This is called "single room."
7-Night Options, per person:
No Accommodations, per person:
($200 non-refundable deposit per person for a reservation.)$999 per person, if fully paid before August 15, 2007.
$1049 per person, if fully paid after August 15, 2007.FREE 7-day retreat without accommodations, if you bring 3 or more full-paying 7-day participants who have never attended a TIM Seminar before. Full names of people that you have referred:
Special Regenesis Program: TIM/TIC licensed Ministers, Leader/Teachers, and Prayer Therapists only: FREE 7-day seminar without accommodations, if you bring 1 or more full-paying 7-day participant who has never attended a TIM Seminar before.
Special Regenesis Program: TIM/TIC licensed Ministers only: $250 for 7-day seminar without accommodations.
Shared room fees, per person:
($300 non-refundable deposit per person for a reservation.)$1649 per person, if fully paid before August 15, 2007.
$1699 per person, if fully paid after August 15, 2007.
Single room fee:
($500 non-refundable deposit for a reservation.)$2249 per person, if fully paid before August 15, 2007.
$2299 per person, if fully paid after August 15, 2007.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Space on the Teacher Training Course is VERY LIMITED!
Click here to register now on a secure server.
Teacher Training Course, Phase 2:
Prayer Therapy Certification
August 27 to September 3, 2007
(open only to graduates of Phase 1, or to graduates of Inner Sensitivity Training)1. The first option below is to pay just the course fee with "no accommodations." This gets you a seat in the seminar. When you choose this option, you are responsible to find your own place to stay.
2. The second option below is to pay the course fee plus accommodations for 7 nights in a room that you will share with another person. This is called "shared room."
3. The third option below is to pay the course fee plus accommodations for 7 nights in your own private room that you will not share with anyone else. This is called "single room."
7-Night Options, per person:
No Accommodations, per person:
($200 non-refundable deposit per person for a reservation.)$1029 per person, if fully paid before August 15, 2007.
$1049 per person, if fully paid after August 15, 2007.TIM/TIC licensed Ministers only: Special Regenesis Program: $250 for August 27 to August 31 seminar, without accommodations.
Shared room fees, per person:
($300 non-refundable deposit per person for a reservation.)$1649 per person, if fully paid before August 15, 2007.
$1699 per person, if fully paid after August 15, 2007.
Single room fee:
($500 non-refundable deposit for a reservation.)$2249 per person, if fully paid before August 15, 2007.
$2279 per person, if fully paid after August 15, 2007.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Space on the Tetons Retreats is VERY LIMITED!
Click here to register now on a secure server.
Teacher Training Course, Phases 1 and 2 together:
August 20 to September 3, 2007
(open to the public-no prerequisites necessary)1. The first option below is to pay just the course fee with "no accommodations." This gets you a seat in the seminar. When you choose this option, you are responsible to find your own place to stay.
2. The second option below is to pay the course fee plus accommodations for 14 nights in a room that you will share with another person. This is called "shared room."
3. The third option below is to pay the course fee plus accommodations for 14 nights in your own private room that you will not share with anyone else. This is called "single room."
14-Night Options, per person:
No Accommodations, per person:
($300 non-refundable deposit per person for a reservation.)$1399 per person, if fully paid before August 15, 2007.
$1449 per person, if fully paid after August 15, 2007.TIM/TIC licensed Ministers only: Special Regenesis Program: $500 for August 20 to August 31 seminar, without accommodations.
Shared room fees, per person:
($500 non-refundable deposit per person for a reservation.)$2499 per person, if fully paid before August 15, 2007.
$2549 per person, if fully paid after August 15, 2007.
Single room fee:
($700 non-refundable deposit for a reservation.)$3629 per person, if fully paid before August 15, 2007.
$3679 per person, if fully paid after August 15, 2007.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Space on the Tetons Retreats is VERY LIMITED!
Click here to register now on a secure server.
Teton Range: Towering more than a mile above the valley known as Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the Grand Teton rises to 13,770 feet above sea level. Twelve Teton peaks reach above 12,000 feet elevation, high enough to support a dozen mountain glaciers. In contrast to the abrupt eastern face, the west side of the range slopes gently, showing the angle of tilt of the Earth's crust. Youngest of the mountains in the Rocky Mountain system, the Teton Range displays some of the North America's oldest rocks.
The rise of the Teton Range as well as the erosion caused by eons of glaciation have created the conditions that allow several plant communities to thrive, from ribbons of green riparian plants bordering rivers and streams, to sagebrush flats, lodgepole pine and spruce forests, subalpine meadows and alpine stone fields. The wide range of plant communities create habitat for a variety of animals, from the tiniest insects, to fish, birds and large and small mammals.
Humans have taken advantage of the mountain setting and its abundant resources for approximately 11,000 years. Early residents occupied the valley during the short spring, summer and fall seasons. During the other eight months of the year, they moved to lower elevations and warmer winter climates. Beginning in the late 1800's, homesteaders, ranchers and later dude ranchers moved into the valley, bringing the technologies of irrigation and insulation, that allowed them to stay through the long, harsh winter.
Grand Teton National Park: First established in 1929, Grand Teton National Park emerged from a complicated and controversial series of events. The park first consisted of the mountain range and several glacial lakes. Later the valley floor was protected as Jackson Hole National Monument. The two areas were combined in 1950.
Today the park encompasses nearly 310,000 acres and protects the Teton Range, Jackson Hole (mountain valley), a 50-mile portion of the Snake River, seven morainal lakes, over 100 backcountry and alpine lakes, and a wide range of wildlife and plant species.
The park is also rich in a cultural history that includes seven eras of human history: early peoples (paleo-indians), Native Americans (modern tribes), fur trappers, homesteaders, ranchers/farmers, conservationists, and recreationalists. Climbing, hiking and backpacking, camping, fishing, wildlife and bird watching, horseback riding, boating on Jackson and Jenny Lakes, rafting on the Snake River, bicycling, and photography are all common activities in the area. About 4 million visitors enjoy the park each year, most visit between Memorial Day Weekend and Labor Day.
The Inn at Jackson Hole: The Inn is located at the base of Rendezvous Mountain, part of the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and Ski Area, and 12 miles from the town of Jackson. With the aerial tram only 100 yards away, the Inn is considered one of the area's most premier skiing properties. In the summer, our location offers nearly immediate access to Grand Teton National Park.
The Inn at Jackson Hole offers many room types to make your stay in Jackson Hole comfortable and affordable. We offer 83 rooms from Standard (with two double beds) to a Superior Loft Suite - with sleeping area in loft and living area with sofa sleeper, fireplace and downstairs kitchenette. Please note, all rooms are non-smoking.
Room Includes
- Cable satellite television
- Free local calls under 30 minutes
- Free long distance access
- Dataports
- AM/FM alarm clock
- Coffee/tea maker
- Hairdryer
- Iron, ironing board
- Rustic and relaxing decor
- Additional in-room toiletries
- Adjoining rooms available
The Inn's newest restaurant - Vertical - offers a delicious variety of entrees from wild game specialties, fresh daily seafood, a top-notch wine list and a unique and warm atmosphere. Open for breakfast and dinner.
Masa Sushi, which serves authentic Japanese cuisine, features Chef Masa Kitami, famous throughout the Western Rockies for over 38 years. Enjoy Sushi, Sashimi, Sake, Japanese Beer and Wine in our beautiful restaurant. Choose to dine outdoors and you will find sweeping views of Rendezvous Mountain. Masa Sushi is open daily, 4:30 pm - 10:30 pm, on the second floor of the hotel.
There are several nearby restaurants--some within walking distance of the hotel:
- Teton Mountain Lodge, American Regional
3385 West Village Drive, Po Box 564, Teton Village (307) 734-7111- Alpenrose Dining Room at Alpenhof Lodge
3255 W Mccollister Dr, Teton Village (307) 733-3462- Dietrich's Bar and Bistro, American
3255 West McCollister Drive, Teton Village- Calico Italian, Pizzeria, American
Teton Village Road, Teton Village (307) 733-2460- Gouloffs
3600 N Moose Wilson Rd, Teton Village (307) 733-1886- Jenny Leigh Dining Room
3345 W Mccollister Dr, Teton Village (307) 733-7102- Mangy Moose - Restaurant & Saloon
3285 West McCollister Drive, Teton Village (307) 733-4913- Solitude Cabin Dinner Sleigh Rides
7658 North Teewinot Chairlift R, Teton Village (307) 739-2603- Gamefish Restaurant
7710 Granite Loop Road, Teton Village (307) 732-6040- The Westbank Grill at the Four Seasons Resort, American
7680 Granite Loop Rd, Teton Village (307)732-5000- J. Hennessy's, Fine Dining Contemporary American
3245 West McCollister Drive, Teton VillageAmenities
- Located at the base of the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort Ski Area
- The Pool and Spa includes an outdoor heated pool, an outdoor jacuzzi tub as well as a sauna. The pool and spa are open daily 10am - 10pm.
- Ski-in / Walk-out access to Ski Area
- Just 12 miles from the town of Jackson
- Only 1mile from entrance to Grand Teton National Park
- Gateway to Yellowstone National Park
- Vertical Fine Dining
- Sushi Bar and Restaurant
- Free Wireless 802.11b High Speed Internet Access and computer in the lobby.
Jackson Hole is located in the northwest corner of Wyoming. The Jackson Hole Airport (JAC) located in Grand Teton National Park is serviced by American, Skywest (The Delta Connection), United Airlines, Northwest Airlines and Big Sky Airlines. Daily jet service from Chicago, Dallas, and Denver with over 10 commuter flights a day to Salt Lake City. You can get a super-cheap flight to Salt Lake City on Jet Blue.
Hertz, Avis, Alamo, Budget car rental companies are located at the airport.
THE INN AT JACKSON HOLE IS 24 MILES FROM THE AIRPORT.Airport Service: Local transportation companies provide shuttle service to and from the Jackson Hole Airport. All Star Transportation 733-2888, Alltrans, Inc. 733-3135 or 800-443-6133, Buckboard Cab 733-7372
Local Transportation Service: The public bus system provides service between the Town of Jackson and Teton Village. Local shuttle companies offer transportation throughout Jackson Hole and to the National Park entrances. All Star Transportation 733-2888, Alltrans, Inc. 733-3135 or 800-443-6133, Buckboard Cab 733-7372, START Public Bus Service 733-4521
Rental Car Companies: Aspen Rent A Car 733-9224 or 877-22ASPEN, Avis Car Rental 733-3422 or 800-331-1212, Budget Rent-A-Car 733-2206 or 800-533-6100, Eagle Rent-A-Car 739-9999 or 800-582-2128, Hertz Car Rental 733-2272 or 800-654-3131, Rent-A-Wreck 733-5014 or 800-637-7147, Thrifty Car Rental 739-9300 or 800-367-2277.
Hertz, Avis, Alamo, Budget car rental companies are located at the airport.
Register NOW:
CONTACT US: Divine Travels
818 SW 3rd Ave. #1505
Portland, OR 97204
503-471-1608, 24 hours a day
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